Just one day after some people blow their hands off (in the name of freedom of course) the city council gets back to the ‘peoples’ business.

During the city council meeting they will get the first reading of a rate increase for Paramedics ‘95%’ Plus. They will school the council on how cool they are at the informational. I think this will be a very interesting review.

At the Fiscal meeting, finance director, Tracy Turbak comes out of hiding. Hope he enjoyed his vacation, because he has a lot of questions coming his way.

One Thought on “It’s a Sioux Falls City Council Party!

  1. The D@ily Spin on July 3, 2016 at 11:31 pm said:

    The city country club finds opportune times to sneak in misinformation and lies. Nobody’s home from the 4th to pay attention. Perfect. Fairy tales from city finance will be entertaining. Sioux Falls is solvent because we sold dollars and bought a new currency called Sanfords.

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