July 2016

The Sioux Falls ‘Fireworks’ debate

There has been a lot of discussion about cracking down on fireworks use in the city and for several good reasons;

 – The noise is emotionally stressful for pets and people dealing with PTSD

 – The fireworks could cause home fires or other damage to property

 – Shooting of pyro in close quarters is dangerous and could cause personal harm

While I am not bothered by the noise, the fire hazard concerns me, especially people shooting off the larger cakes and roman candles. But I think the debate really comes down to fairness. While the parking attendants downtown have no mercy and if your lawn gets over 8” a professional crew is sent in at $150 an hour to mow it, it seems when it comes to fireworks, the police (or more importantly the police management) don’t really care.

I also saw this during Hot Harley Nights when I joked with a couple officers they should have their decibel meters out and hand out some tickets. One of them said, “Yeah right.” And I knew they wouldn’t. It seems some things are just given a blind eye in Sioux Falls. But tomatoes in the boulevard, long grass and low tree limbs, then we really have a problem.

I’ve told people wait until a housing development burns to the ground because some jackass shot off some fireworks in Sioux Falls, then everyone will stand around scratching their heads wondering if they should have done something.

Some would say that the police have a good argument, out over 600 police calls concerning fireworks, they could only hand out 14 tickets, because they ‘had to catch them in the act’ AND ‘respond to other calls’. I have said there is a simple solution to that, put out 4 unmarked police cars with undercover officers out on 4th or July weekend. When you get a call, drive to the address and sit in the car until they fire something off, then present them with a ticket. When people see a police car with lights flashing, the first thing they are going to do is hide the fireworks. Duh.

I think we need to get serious about fireworks violations in Sioux Falls and not worry about how tall my neighbors grass is.

Absurd, Ridiculous and Unethical


That’s sure nice of Mr. Fox to be watching over us.

I suppose I could come up with a few more words to describe the recent ‘review’ of the 300 Building, but I think we will just start with those three. Having the EXACT team of private developers/contactors that was assembled to build a proposed NEW city administration building do the review of the viability of the 300 building is, well, a gigantic conflict of interest. But where it gets ridiculous is when the director of Central Services says they only used blueprints to determine it wasn’t viable. Huh? It would be like buying a used home based on the same thing. A walk through and home inspection usually occurs on said property. But what is even more absurd is the notion that a ‘third party consultant’ looked at the review the conflict of interest contractors put together and they agreed with it. But we have to leave that ‘national’ consultant ‘anon’ to protect their reputation. WTH? If they have a great reputation they should stand behind the review. Most likely this imaginary consultant doesn’t exist and their report was filed in the same place the event center siding report was. Never-Neverland.

As I was driving by city hall late this morning I noticed a person from the ‘review’ committee leaving city hall with a big binder in their hand, dress rehearsal for Tuesday’s informational meeting must of wrapped up early.

Whether you are for a new building, remodeling an existing building or against the project all together isn’t the issue here, the issue is the conflicts and the ethics (or lack thereof). Just look what the review contractors have made so far and what they are set to be paid if they build the NEW building;

Koch Hazard (Architect)

Phase 1 – $85,000 already paid

Phase 2 – 4.85% of the Cost of Work – as defined in 6.1 total cost to the owner to construct all elements of the project and shall include Construction Manager’s general condition costs, fee, and contingency.

*We also reimburse all out of pocket expenses for the contractor (no markup)

PHASE 2 COMPENSTATION: 21.9 million dollars (project cost) * .0485 = $1,062,000 (NOT COUNTING REIMBURSEMENTS FOR OOP)

Henry Carlson (CMAR):

Phase 1 – $43,288 already paid

Phase 2 – Construction phase – 3.5% of the cost of the work including the construction manager’s contingency, general conditions, and work in the GMP – this is the construction manager’s fee

PHASE 2 COMPENSATION: 21.9 million dollars (project cost) *.035 = $766,500

Of course they don’t support remodeling the 300 building, how much more blatant and rigged could we get? It seems if it was not for public projects, Koch Hazard would be out of business these days. Not only should the presentation of the review NOT be allowed on Tuesday, an ethics complaint should be filed against the director(s) that made such an ignorant decision, and if it was at the directive of the mayor, he should be brought up on ethics violations also.

Not only is city government getting more predictable, they are getting blatantly ridiculous at the same time.

5 Words – Sioux Falls City Council Public Input, July 5, 2016


The whambulance service of Sioux Falls is looking for a pay raise for giving crappy service. Our City Council Public Inputers had 5 words for the way they have been treated; Truthiness, Respect, Shame, Rights and Location. Each person who spoke to the Council let the assembled know they were tired of people dying and being abused by neglect and greed.

The Sioux Falls City Council meeting on July 5, 2016 let the city government and ambulance service know they are tired of the abuse they have been receiving (or lack thereof).