The Argus published a story online Tuesday about Rapid City’s mayor, Allender’s move to make his emails and other correspondence transparent with the public;

He’s opening up (some) of his emails for public scrutiny. According to South Dakota Public Broadcasting, the city’s elected leader Steve Allender said he will share any “official correspondence” between his office and the city council, be it email or written letters.

The Argus reporter encouraged our mayor to do the same.

(brief pause for intense laughter)

Besides the fact that Mike probably hides a lot of inside deals with his correspondence, his verbiage of choice may surprise a few citizens, especially those who thinks he actually understands the teachings of Jesus Christ or even Dale Carnegie.

While I have never been able to get hard evidence, because people chicken out, I have heard that the mayor has a favorite word that starts with ‘F’ and it isn’t Folks.

There’s been rumors about city employees, road contractors and events center construction workers being on the opposite end of the mayoral ‘bombs’. He garnered the nickname ‘Mayor Meltdown’ at the worksite.

But I think the height of his ‘F-wordery’ was when a former city councilor (term limited) spoke ill of the mayor on a popular local political radio talk show. The councilor, and rightfully so, was upset because the mayor had promised a national search for a replacement for a recently retired department manager, then bailed on it. The councilor unloaded on the show, but mostly because they felt the mayor was their friend and was upset they were lied to. Well it only took a matter of seconds for the mayor to send him a ‘bomb’ littered threatening text message while the councilor was still in studio. The councilor was so upset about it, they felt they were being harassed and asked fellow councilors what kind of ‘action’ they could take against the mayor.

This councilor would not give me the text (I begged, and begged), but I did talk to other councilors who saw it and verified it’s contents.

I have yet to be delivered one of Mayor Huether’s special ‘bombs’, but maybe this is why we will never see Huether’s correspondence.

One Thought on “Potty Mouth Mike?

  1. scott on July 20, 2016 at 8:30 pm said:

    i bet mmm throws a few jc’s in with his f-bombs.

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