South DaCola

STOP the Funding petition drive in full swing


Bruce Danielson (Cameraman Bruce) announced his petition drive today. You can contact him;

Hello to all,

I am sending this email to several groups to ask your help in our latest project. As many of you may have heard, we are attempting to prevent the city of Sioux Falls from spending millions of dollars on a questionable office building for city staff. The building has only reached this point because the mayor has broken two city council ties and the veto on Wednesday.

We have asked the administration to justify this building and work with the Minnehaha and Lincoln county governments on space needs. The administration of Mike Huether has refused to work in good faith.

Now we have some heavy lifting to do over the next two weeks to gather 6500 signatures. We know it can be done because we have done before and we know it must be done because we need to right a wrong.

It’s been a while since we last did electoral battle together, Will you carry and fill petitions for about 2 weeks?

I am currently printing petitions and folders.

If you can get one petition, great

If you can help us with two or more amazing. We’ve had people fight city hall and collect 1000 signatures or more. Whatever you can do we all will appreciate it.

Call me at 605-376-8087 or hit your reply button and I will meet you with petitions.

Thanks for all you do,

Bruce Danielson


PO Box 1954

Sioux Falls, SD 57101

Office / FAX: (605) 334-9511

Cell: (605) 376-8087


You can also download a petition sheets here, remember to print them front and back, or contact Bruce for a packet; Admin Petition 1, Admin Petition 2

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