South DaCola

The Sioux Falls ‘Fireworks’ debate

There has been a lot of discussion about cracking down on fireworks use in the city and for several good reasons;

 – The noise is emotionally stressful for pets and people dealing with PTSD

 – The fireworks could cause home fires or other damage to property

 – Shooting of pyro in close quarters is dangerous and could cause personal harm

While I am not bothered by the noise, the fire hazard concerns me, especially people shooting off the larger cakes and roman candles. But I think the debate really comes down to fairness. While the parking attendants downtown have no mercy and if your lawn gets over 8” a professional crew is sent in at $150 an hour to mow it, it seems when it comes to fireworks, the police (or more importantly the police management) don’t really care.

I also saw this during Hot Harley Nights when I joked with a couple officers they should have their decibel meters out and hand out some tickets. One of them said, “Yeah right.” And I knew they wouldn’t. It seems some things are just given a blind eye in Sioux Falls. But tomatoes in the boulevard, long grass and low tree limbs, then we really have a problem.

I’ve told people wait until a housing development burns to the ground because some jackass shot off some fireworks in Sioux Falls, then everyone will stand around scratching their heads wondering if they should have done something.

Some would say that the police have a good argument, out over 600 police calls concerning fireworks, they could only hand out 14 tickets, because they ‘had to catch them in the act’ AND ‘respond to other calls’. I have said there is a simple solution to that, put out 4 unmarked police cars with undercover officers out on 4th or July weekend. When you get a call, drive to the address and sit in the car until they fire something off, then present them with a ticket. When people see a police car with lights flashing, the first thing they are going to do is hide the fireworks. Duh.

I think we need to get serious about fireworks violations in Sioux Falls and not worry about how tall my neighbors grass is.

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