Ellis points out something DaCola has known since this mayor (a subprime credit card salesman) started running for office;

The timing may be purely coincidental. But it will certainly be another example to some of how Sioux Falls over the last six years has been run more like a propaganda ministry than a city government.

During the current administration, the city has engaged in all sorts of inane dog-and-pony shows in an effort to control the news cycle with positive accounts of the city at work. City officials have strained themselves to come up with events to garner press coverage. During construction on what became the Denny Sanford Premier Center, it was almost as if they issued a press release every time a new window got installed. There have been events to show how roads get paved. To see the water plant. To talk about the propaganda minister’s colonoscopy. To do this. To do that.

Bout time someone in our local media awakened from the long 6 year sleep.

5 Thoughts on “These two paragraphs pretty much sum it up

  1. The D@ily Spin on July 2, 2016 at 7:36 am said:

    I’m sure Ellis knew before now. However, undeserved inflated promotion has become so flagrant that something had to be said. Drug stores were running out of pink bismuth. Huether’s fingers have grown together permanently crossed behind his back. We can block unsafe channel 16 but need people size condoms to cover city officials at press opportunities.

  2. i12doit on July 2, 2016 at 8:23 am said:

    This all looks like the making of a Carnival sideshow. Things all appearing well as a diversionary tactic to hide what’s in the bottle being sold by the Snake Oil Salesman. The Carnival Barker keeps barking to attract the gullible, presenting all of the lavish luxuries such as the Denny Sanford Center, indoor pool, new County Admin building and the like. They all look good in the news like all is well. However, many mistakenly take for granted just because things look good, all is well. Grabbing your cash for their own ideas, the Carnival accomplishes its goal, to rip you off unwittingly and make you enjoy the process. This is what can and does happen to an uninformed population or if you will, crowd. Attorney General Office’s across the country issues consumer alerts all the time, but not of this type because it’s categorized differently. However, the political arena is not much different in some ways than a Carnival sideshow. The Carnival Barker’s and Snake Oil salesmen (Salespersons) don’t like their tactics and diversions exposed so they can continue to operate the way they do. This is why I like SouthDacola.com as one of my media sources, they give me food for thought which helps me differentiate the true from the false and where the City’s pocket lining goes. Not that I always agree with them, but it gives me an alternative where other local media won’t dare to tread. The other local media appear to be more worried about losing their sources of information, than challenging the beliefs and doings of those who lead, whereas, SouthDacola.com doesn’t appear to worry in that area. To me, that’s Journalism and legitimate Journalism. Gotta love the First Amendment!

  3. Reliable Voter on July 2, 2016 at 12:34 pm said:

    I suppose Huether will now rally his supporters to demand the Argus not allow Ellis to report on city issues.

  4. Better late than never. Welcome to the party mainstream media.

    I think that huether has been getting away with so much for so long he is now getting more brazen in his behavior thinking he is untouchable and no one will dare say anything.

  5. The D@ily Spin on July 2, 2016 at 9:47 pm said:

    #4, ‘Thinking he’s untouchable’. He must be. Someone who’s not a narcissist sociopath would have amended their behavior.

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