I almost had to chug a beer after listening to Greg’s show this morning to calm my nerves, so many half-truths I don’t know where to begin (we will get to that shortly).

I am often amazed when I hear local pundits talk ‘local’ politics and how little they know, or maybe they do know and just choose to tell a different story. For instance when they call city councilors, commissioners. They haven’t been commissioners for over a decade, get it straight already.

But today’s show was extra special, it’s like B-n-B (Bad Neighbor Belfrage) has become an extension of Channel 16 and the Reid Holsen school of advocational interviews.

You can listen for yourself some of the bull that was dispensed, here is the TRUTH;

  1. There has been NO city administration building built in 83 years (city hall). Actually there have been dozens, even if you don’t count the multiple parks garages that have been built (they include offices) there has been a rehab of a Raven building on 6th and Phillips for Parks offices, there is the light and power building, there is the rehab of Carnegie Hall for the city clerks and community development, there has been the public works garage and recycling center (all include offices) and the recent rental of the city attorney offices (because rumor has it they feared the FBI was listening in on their convos at city hall. Even if that isn’t true, it’s still a little funny).
  2. The mayor is a member of the city council. This is ‘partially’ true. By charter he is a member, but ONLY to break ties. If the mayor was a true member of the council he would vote on every item (he does not) he would attend all council meetings (informational, committees, work sessions, joint county meetings, etc) he does not. He is the executive branch of city government and the council is the legislative branch, he is only a ‘tie-breaking’ member of the council. It is a similar situation with the county, Bob Litz, the county auditor is asked to break ties with the county commission and to run meetings when ‘needed’. He is NOT a regular member of the commission in that sense.
  3. 6,400 signatures is ‘NOT A LOT’. This really is a matter of opinion, but by LAW only 5% is required to get a measure on a ballot. Stop the Funding has followed those rules, if you disagree with them, ask the legislature and city council to change them. Either way, I’m pretty sure that Danielson broke records in the time it took him to gather the signatures, this tells me that people are very concerned about the building and want a vote. By law, they deserve one, whether you agree or not. Actually, B-n-B had to admit today that he signed the petition also. I asked Bruce about it, he told me that at the time Greg signed it, he agreed with Bruce it was about the process, less than a couple of weeks later it seems Greg isn’t too concerned about the process, claiming he should not have signed it.
  4. B-n-B has questioned the funding of the petition drive and the filing of a ballot committee. Bruce actually attempted to file the paperwork earlier, but since the city put up the new website design, all the downloadable documents to do this disappeared, to which the city clerk was made aware. Bruce has filed the necessary paperwork. The financials are due later. Did Bruce raise money? He did, and the money comes from multiple sources and all income brackets and sectors of the community, this initiative has broad support.
  5. B-n-B had to admit today that the building (the bonds) will be $25 million. The mayor, yesterday, was telling people the building is $21.9 million, while true, he fails to mention the total after commissions and sale of the bonds the TOTAL cost is $25 million. The initiative is to stop the bond sale NOT to stop a building, Bruce has been VERY clear about this, that amount is $25 million, no lies have been told.
  6. The claim that the building has been ‘fully vetted’. This may be true internally with the administration and council leadership, but the rest of the council and the public was left in the dark until last April. It was sprung on us. The other argument is that if this building has been supposedly talked about since 2007, why not build it before an events center and indoor pool? Notice the mayor has refused to answer this question, even when asked on Greg’s show and at council meetings. The need is NOT great. If it they were concerned about morale of city employees, why are they not getting decent raises this year? As for the public showing up to voice their concerns, we have, several times, and each time the mayor has shut us down, breaking two ties and veto (which he laughed about). The council has listened and TRIED to stop this, but the mayor’s attitude to ‘win at any cost’ has taken over the debate. We could have had 100 people show up to these meetings and protest, wouldn’t matter, the mayor has had his mind made up on this before it was even presented to the whole council. Just like the EC and the Indoor Pool, full steam ahead.
  7. This has nothing to do with the 300 building. As I said above, Stop the Funding has been VERY CLEAR, this initiative has been about stopping the $25 million dollar bond sale. If the council decides at a later date to build a scaled back building, or remodel an existing building or continue to rent, that is another issue. The 300 building owners have been very gracious in letting us use office space. We thank them as they did this as an in-kind donation.
  8. It IS cheaper to rent. You don’t have to take my word on it, city finance director Tracy Turbak has already admitted in a public meeting it would be more cost effective to rent. There is no bond repayment, interest or use of capital outlay. It just makes more sense to rent financially. This one is a no-brainer that even the city finance director agrees with.

Some people and the mayor have said this petition drive has been fueled by animosity towards the mayor. I would have to partially agree. ANY elected official who will go on a media show and lie bald faced to the public most likely will have well deserved animosity towards them, you reap what you sew. Personally I could care less about him, I have gotten used to wearing 5-Buckle over-boots while following him around.

I’m sure tomorrow B-n-B will have a whole new set of lies and half-truths to tell the public. We will be waiting to dispel them. Now if Greg would go do something more productive with his time, like mow his lawn.

11 Thoughts on “B-n-B lays it on thick today

  1. The D@ily Spin on August 24, 2016 at 2:43 pm said:

    When there’s more city buildings than McDonalds or BP stations in the entire state, why does the city need another empty building?

  2. matt johnson on August 24, 2016 at 3:14 pm said:

    Greg B also said that there was time to do this after the initial vote last spring. The delay to October 1 was put in place in order to consider other alternatives (not just the 300 Building) and to open (or reopen if you are to believe the mayor’s team) talks with other levels of government. I don’t think either of these was accomplished or really even attempted so the fab 5 tried and now the public is trying.

  3. Huether for Gov 2018 on August 24, 2016 at 4:33 pm said:

    you disgruntled citizens are standing in the way of our future Governor. Not only is this new building going to be one of his last achievements as Mayor but a bronze statue of the honorable Mayor will be placed in front of this new building.

  4. Huether for Gov 2018 on August 24, 2016 at 4:36 pm said:

    We should be grateful that he has donated his time and leadership skills in the spirit of public service to the city of Sioux Falls and soon the state of South Dakota.

  5. Our petition drive was in answer to the administration’s attempts to control the Council and process not matter the consequences.

    Our efforts are just part a continual hard push to make Sioux Falls a more open place to live. If you care to live here and not just exist, join us.

  6. And if he runs for a another office I will gladly help his competitor

  7. Warren_Phear on August 24, 2016 at 9:55 pm said:

    One item that keeps bothering me. bnb brought it up again today. He claims there have been numerous discussions in the past about an admin building. There may have been, but I really dont think any of our media outlets made the public aware of it. The argus does a pretty good job of covering Tuesday night meetings. If you use the argus search engine, you can find hundreds of articles about the event center debate. Same for the snowfox aquatics center. To a lesser degree there was certainly much more ink about indoor hockey, indoor tennis, parking ramps, river greenway, downtown loft apartments, and of course, tifs for the truly needy. But a city admin building?

  8. Warren_Phear is right, there never was any discussion, especially in public before April 14, 2105 concerning the supposed need for a massive office building for only 80 office workers.

    For more reasons than one I remember sitting in the meeting feeling like we were being slammed with this proposal and told to take it.

    The only reason why we are even discussing it is because L3wis has given us a place to expose the mistrust we have developed. Many stories combined with conflict of interest issues have forced us to not believe anything being said out of 9th & Dakota.

    There never has been any justification for the building and in light of the sales tax revenue collapse happening right now, we can really never believe the central marketing office of the city.

  9. Warren on August 25, 2016 at 6:20 am said:

    Let’s talk a little bit about the “show” bnb puts out as quality enlightenment for the masses. It is in fact a show designed for a very narrow and specific demographic. That demographic believes trump is right for America, Hillary is the anti-christ, Obama is the architect of the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, and ALL cutting of ANY social program funds will make America great again. As an avid daily listener, mmm knows this. So what does mmm do? He throws bnb’s rabid daily listeners a bone. That bone was the tough choice he had to make in cutting funding to Prairie View Prevention Services. That funding cut was a little over $100,000. At the same time, meth arrests have tripled per year, just since 2011. Ironically, in the same fiscal year mmm did not blink an eye at the $500,000 gift the city granted to the HUETHER match pointe echo chamber. Would mmm have talked about this funding cut last month when he spoke at the Democratic Forum at the VFW? Nope. Remember, mmm will always play to whatever crowd he is entertaining at the time.


  10. I hear Circus, Circus is looking for a new ring leader?

  11. Piont of order.. I think it’s shit that prevention services funds were cut BUT Prairie views success rates are quite low AND meth use has skyrocketed everywhere. Legal pot has forced drug cartels into cheap meth production.

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