The Sioux Falls received a “couple” of donations or was it 300? An interesting Board of Ethics meeting in late morning August 8, 2016 happened where two Sioux Falls churches wanted to do something nice for Police Department employees by giving them thank you cards with random dollar amount gift cards.

We attended because we wanted to show the people of Sioux Falls how the process works and to watch how certain participants worked. This came down to the police department employees were getting “discounted” dollars off meals at certain food joints in town. We don’t know who or where but after the Police Department fills their collective stomachs at the hospital cafes, they now can get discounted food at these select food joints. No ethics problem with this is there?

Cameraman Bruce was there so the rest of the town didn’t have to go. To the credit of a couple of the board members, it was not a hard decision to make in rejecting the cards.

8 Thoughts on “Ethics Meeting, August 10, 2016. Giftcards for Cops

  1. The D@ily Spin on August 15, 2016 at 12:43 pm said:

    Something the media will not report. Probably no ethics hearing had the public not noticed and Southdacola not reported. Transparency? I think not

  2. The D@ily Spin on August 15, 2016 at 4:17 pm said:

    Police should go back to seizing items from pawn shops claiming they’re stolen. Items are not returned and not identified as evidence at the station or in a court case. Pawn shop owners don’t dare speak up. Yes, it happens.

    Sioux Falls has a serious crime problem. You’ll become a victim. However, some of it is easy to identify. They wear gang uniforms and drive black and whites.

  3. South Da Dumbass on August 16, 2016 at 11:04 pm said:

    I know it’s surprising to your limited readership but most people support the police, fire and vets. In fact a lot of these PRIVATE businesses choose to operate their business by offering a discount to public servants and vets. This is done out of appreciation and the fact they like having police, fire, and vets in their business vs. the likes of the troubled 5……hey Scott become a firefighter, cop, or serve your country and maybe you would get a free cup of coffee too………….can’t wait till the mayor shoves that building up your……………….

  4. You probably didn’t watch the meeting, this isn’t about goodness of people’s hearts, this about fairness to all city employees. And as you pointed out, the police get freebee meals at lots of places, as long as they consume on premises, which is allowed by city ordinance.

    If I was asked to pick whether I wanted the city to have either a new air guardsman, a firefighter, a police officer or a water treatment employee, I would pick the water guy. Why. None of those other guys can give me safe drinking water. That’s the point, why is one public employee any more important then the other. They are all important, that’s why this is unfair.

  5. South Da Dumbass on August 17, 2016 at 12:38 am said:

    I guess call the water department when your house starts on fire, you have a family member that needs emergency medical assistance, or some one breaks into your home………………PS life is not fair…………it only comes round once a year………………I would bet that if the PRIVATE business owner valued his drinking water he would give the water guys a cup of coffee too. I can’t think of a time that a water guy lost his life to a fire or got shot protecting the people of this fine city……………………….

  6. South Da Dumbass on August 17, 2016 at 12:39 am said:

    PS the city doesn’t hire “air guardsman” those are state employee’s

  7. South Da Dumbass on August 17, 2016 at 12:42 am said:

    PSS the ordinance covers ALL employee’s not just the police………………….

  8. FluffMcMagic on August 19, 2016 at 3:44 pm said:

    The gangs wear uniforms and drive black and whites. Wow, one of the top ignorant statements I’ve heard in a long time. A lot of these business probably want first responders at their businesses. If the cops are so crooked why did they bring these to the ethics board? Wouldn’t “gangs” just keep the cards and not say anything? The fact that they had this hearing is proof positive that they AREN’T crooked like you claim. Is there anything you find positive with the city? Why do you stay if you hate it so bad?

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