South DaCola

Mayor Huether; Tone Deaf


I guess during a Friday meeting the mayor said something similar to this;

Mike wants citizens with grievances to give city employees a chance to fix their problems before bringing them to light at public input during the city council meetings. He also said his office and other departments respond to complaints within 24 hours.

Okay, I think I just got carpet burns I was laughing so hard. But seriously? What meetings has he been going to over the past 6 years? The Red Hat society?

The one thing I have noticed about public input (besides my pointed rants) is that most citizens complain during that time period as a last resort. Take the landlords that had their laundry room destroyed by the SWAT team, or recently the missing parking lot at the Vietnamese restaurant. Most citizens don’t want to come to public input, it is intimidating, and if you sit in the back row, you may just get hit in the head by a flailing elbow. Most use it, because they have tried all other avenues to solve a problem with the city.

Maybe the mayor is coming around. But I am not holding my breath.

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