August 2016

Sioux Falls Ethics Commission Rules SFPD must return gift cards


I hope to have video up by tomorrow. You can read the ethics opinion request DOC: policegifts

The SF Police Department has a policy against receiving gifts (consumables, such as food) unless it is consumed on premesis (explains how they can stuff their faces at Avera).

The Ethics commission ruled they should return the gift cards they received from two local churches in appreciation for their service. While this may sound harsh, I agree with the ethics commission. I don’t think they should receive any monetary gifts. They get a paycheck for what they do, if that is not enough, they should talk to their union rep.

I hope to have more details soon.

Stop the Funding, Public Input UPDATE, August 10, 2016


Stop the Funding petition drive is running full steam ahead. On Tuesday August 9, 2016, Bruce Danielson announced to the Sioux Falls City Council the first week results of 3,000 signatures of the 6,500 needed.

Over 1,000 petition sheets are circulating in Sioux Falls allowing 20,000 voters the ability to sign. If you need help finding a place to sign, go to the west door of Minnehaha County Administration Building at 425 N. Minnesota Ave (where you buy license plates). You may also call (605) 376-8087 for more information.

“Kermit Staggers and I want to thank all who have supported this effort so far but we must get our petitions in to have a voice in this bonding.” said Bruce Danielson.

Bruce Danielson


PO Box 491

Sioux Falls, SD 57101

Office / FAX: (605) 334-9511

Cell: (605) 376-8087



Was Rex Rolfing trying to make a mad dash from the Sioux Falls city council?


When I heard about this just a few days ago, I just had to chuckle. Surprises me that the man who ran for a second term and recently got the council chair position would be trying to find a way to slip out of his current job.

See, Rex Rolfing asked some nice GOP committee peeps in District 13 to put him on the ballot this Fall for the legislature (replacing Westra). And according to city charter, you cannot serve on the city council and state legislature at the same time, so if he were elected, he would have to resign the city council seat.

Seems the heat is getting to Rex. So much, that a guy who owns property in Florida wants to spend a whole month in Pierre in the winter. That will cool you off.

Well it didn’t turn out as expected. Sue Peterson got picked for the slot, with Alex Jensen and Rex being the two other candidates.

I guess we will have to endure old Tex Golfing for a couple more years, unless he just wants to resign on his own accord? I would be fine with that.