August 2016

Sioux Falls City Councilor Greg Neitzert on the Administration Building


What can we say about Greg Neitzert’s impassioned plea on August 2, 2016 to overturn the mayor’s veto of July 27, 2016 other than it was amazing.

The Romantix Annex Overflow Office Building does not need to be built.

Consider this: Building new is most expensive option. Just ask Director Turbak (Info Meeting 2/23/2016) – “If you’re looking and hinging a decision on is it going to pencil out a net savings to the city, I think clearly it’s not if we have a new building”

Listen to Greg’s plea and them consider as a few who left the meeting on that Tuesday evening asking us why no one else has ever laid out this information before.

We have tried, but Greg did it. As he tells us, get a petition, sign a petition and help kill this building.

Everything but the kitchen sink


My advice to the city council at this point would be to throw everything they can to override the mayor’s veto.

I told some of them after the veto to let the mayor have it, and own it. It just proves his ego and arrogance, but since the petition drive started, they might as well chip in and try everything in the book to stop this. This could be setting an advisory vote or they could postpone the bond sale. There are many initiatives and resolutions they could propose.

But even if those fail, we still have the petition drive, which I also feel is an uphill battle, not that the signatures won’t be gathered, it’s the tight time frame they face especially with poor cooperation from the city attorney and city clerk.

Which brings me to the city clerk. Mr. Greco works for the council, and I encourage them to keep the pressure on him to certify the signatures quickly when turned in, or there will be repercussions. They have the power to reprimand him or terminate him if he does follow the councilors instruction. I would make this very clear with him. I always thought he was a poor choice for the clerk anyway, especially when we found out he wasn’t even registered to vote when he applied for the job.

At the end of the day, this will be an uphill battle, and if the council and petition gatherers are already in the fight, they might as well go for the gusto. It’s time to put a foot down when it comes to the mayor’s fascist hold on OUR government and tax dollars.

Pitty Patt Ponderrs the Press

Oh, I love it when BK Junior runs with the wolves;

There are a lot of rumors swirling about what’s happening in Argus Leader.

Rumors of firing, unhappy people and general malaise over the direction that South Dakota’s largest daily newspaper has taken.

Um, that’s been going on for a couple of years now.

The rumors are flying that News Director Patrick Lalley may have fired a sports writer over a turf fight. I’m also hearing that the rumor mill swirling around that portion of the 4th Estate is (allegedly) that Lalley may also be battling Stu Whitney who had jumped into political stories with vigor, but suddenly stopped writing about politics. Supposedly, at Lalley’s demand

They should have never moved Stu to begin with. He has his head up the mayor’s ass so far I’m surprised you can’t see Stu’s face when the mayor smiles. He was a sports writer, should have left him that way. As for his show, it was awful. Besides, I have told Lalley he might have more viewers if they actually started on time without technical problems. They have good equipment, I have been in the studio, they need to learn how to use it, and a watch.

There’s also said to be rising tension in the Argus Newsroom over Dana Ferguson and her coming off as a bit of a Weiland mouthpiece in her stories, such as the pro-Weiland ballot measure story that coincidentally was placed on-line tonight with her byline.

Huh? I read the story, seems like she is just doing regular old reporting on their side of the issue. As for media coverage, the Anti-Weilands have gotten way more press. I have seen only one story this week on local TV where they interviewed Rick but have seen multiple with the opposition. Dana is a political reporter that has to cover both sides. I know that the SD GOP doesn’t understand that, but she is actually doing her job. The only complaint I would have about Dana is that she is a little dry, but fair.

I think the Argus has been doing a decent job lately, but I do have concerns about Lalley in a leadership position.