August 2016

Stop the Funding permanent signing location



Stop the Funding will soon be opening up a location you can go to sign, more details to come about hours of operation. It will be located in Suite 106 in the 300 building (300 North Dakota Avenue, next to KSFY-TV).

If you would like to help staff the office, please contact;

Bruce Danielson

Citizens4Integrity, PO Box 491, Sioux Falls, SD 57101

FAX: (605) 334-9511, Cell: (605) 376-8087, Email:

Stop the Funding introduces Co-Chair Kermit Staggers


For more information or to get your petitions;

Watch this video on Stormland TV.

Towards the end of the video, the reporter says that he contacted the Mayor, and Huether told him he had never heard of the petition drive (LOL) and told the reporter to talk to Rolfing, Kiley or Erpenbach. None of them returned his call. BIG SURPRISE!!! The three ring circus clowns have their phones off as usual.

UPDATE: Is MIDCO stretching the rules of there Aquatic Center Sponsorship?

Update: According to a city official the Project Team (Special projects under the Mayor) jointly agreed to the locations with Midco That decision and proposal went to the Parks board who approved the location. After approval by the parks board, they were installed.

IMG_1456 IMG_1457 IMG_1458


Signs, signs, everywhere there are signs! (26th & Western, Entry to Center, 22nd & Western)

So foot soldiers have been asking me the same question, does the sponsorship agreement with MIDCO include the entire park? No, it doesn’t. In fact the upgrades to the park came out of the parks budget, we paid for them and the building. MIDCO’s sponsorship is only to offset the operations of the facility and pay for certain equipment in the facility, it includes NOTHING in the park or maintenance of the park. So why the big signs? According to the sponsorship agreement (section 7, DOC:MidcoSponsorshipAgreement) The entry sign (to the parking lot) and the two signs on the building are well within the agreement, also any signage inside the building.

So what’s up with the park signage? Is MIDCO stretching the rules a bit? And better yet, why did the city allow this? Who saw this signage before it was placed? Naming Commission? Parks and Rec Board? City Council? Planning Commission?

The signage looks like MIDCO is sponsoring the entire park, and quite frankly, I think the signage looks gaudy in a public park.

This administration would sell the shirt off our backs if he knew he could get a couple bucks from it.