August 2016

Stop the Funding collects over 6,000 signatures!


Stop the Funding has over the amount needed to get the issue on the ballot, but over the weekend will try to collect more for a ‘buffer’ for the verification process. Hopefully the petitions can be turned in on Monday!

And just a reminder, whether you have ONE signature or ONE HUNDRED on petition sheets, they MUST be turned in ASAP. Petition sheets don’t have to be fully filled out (lines) to be notarized, partial sheets also qualify.

Bruce Danielson, (605) 376-8087

Why is the city co-signing for bonds with a private non-profit?

I’m not sure why either, but if you peruse the documents (Item #34), you will see that the city does not have to pay anything, BUT, it is a lot like your parents co-signing on a loan for your first car. If you FAIL to make payments on that loan, well guess what?

It’s still a bit confusing to me, but I still don’t understand why they don’t just go to a bank? Seems they are using our credit rating and bond borrowing status to get themselves a discount. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get a mortgage with the city as a co-signor?



Does resigned Dell Rapids mayor, Scott Fiegen have other political aspirations?


Last year, then Dell Rapids mayor Scott Fiegen, was appointed to the state legislature in District 25 (which stretches into Sioux Falls).

I’m not sure if Scott has plans to run for office in Sioux Falls, or to continue to serve on the legislature, but doesn’t it seem odd that someone would serve as a mayor of a community for seven years, then just split. And it’s not like he is moving to Florida or California to retire, he is moving a few miles away to Sioux Falls. ‘Hey folks, it’s been fun, but your town isn’t big enough for me, see yah later.’

Recently, Scott’s daughter was appointed to the Sioux Falls planning commission. He was in attendance at the meeting when her appointment was approved by the city council.

We’ll be watching.

Sioux Falls City Councilor Erpenbach just doesn’t get it


I couldn’t agree more with this letter writer;

Whether you agree or disagree with this project, Councilor Erpanbach’s words are a clear admission that her head is fully engulfed in sand and she has no intent to represent the people’s wishes or adhere to the right to petition within the First Amendment.

She pulled the same crap with the snowgate petitioners making citizens wait over a year before they could get them after approving them overwhelmingly, by delaying that election. (Item #31 of the December 18,2012 city council meeting);

  Sponsor: City Council


A motion was made by Council Member Greg Jamison and seconded by Council Member Kenny Anderson Jr. to adopt said Resolution.


Vote to adopt: Roll Call: Yeses, Greg Jamison, Kermit L. Staggers, Kenny Anderson Jr., 3.  Noes,  Michelle Erpenbach, Dean Karsky, Rex Rolfing, Sue Aguilar, James Entenman, 5.
Motion Failed.

Stop the Funding has notarized 5200 signatures so far



Organizers of the Stop the Funding petition campaign are proud to announce the drive has notarized 5200 signatures of the necessary minimum of 5750. To meet the safety goal of 6500 signatures the organizers are looking for the remaining petition sheets to be submitted.

“Our initiative, the process, and an election are completely legal and valid today and will continue to be valid until the Mayor decides to make it illegal.” Bruce Danielson said to the Sioux Falls City Council August 16, 2016. “We expect the council to follow the law and to set an election date once the signatures are verified. In fact the Council could still set an election without our signatures.”

We ask anyone who wishes to sign the petition or to turn in the petitions they are carrying to turn them into the Stop the Funding office in the 300 Building, suite 106 located at 300 North Dakota Ave where the drive-in and sign events were the last two weekends.

Please turn in all petitions no matter how many how many are on them today, Wednesday August 17 so we can plan our last push event to collect the final signatures.

August 17, 2016

For more information contact:

Bruce Danielson

(605) 376-8087