
We are looking for help to get the word out about our weekend of events and sites.

  1. THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Our petition campaign is having a drive through event TO collect signatures. DRIVE UP, SIGN THE PETITION AND DRIVE AWAY. The event will be in downtown Sioux Falls in front of the 300 Building on North Dakota Avenue from noon to 5pm.
  2. We need help at the Minnehaha County Fair collecting signatures at the gate and possibly at the some of the free meal events.


2 Thoughts on “Stop the Funding – Drive Thru Petition Signing

  1. Our campaign to STOP THE FUNDING of the Romantix Overflow Office Building is gaining great steam. Would you help us get the petitions into hands for signatures? The administrations has already promised us they are going to play every trick in the Huether – Fiddle Faddle – Greco playbook of dirty tricks. The only way to beat them is to have overwhelming numbers.

    This weekend is important. Help if you can at the DRIVE UP, SIGN THE PETITION AND DRIVE AWAY event or just DRIVE UP, SIGN THE PETITION AND DRIVE AWAY. Either way you will be letting the irresponsible administration know we are concerned by their abuse of the system.

    Thanks for all you do and can do!

    Kermit and Bruce

  2. The D@ily Spin on August 4, 2016 at 9:27 am said:

    A free topless car wash at the same time you sign. Not really but a free 6 pack cooler donated by me for the first 50 signers.

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