
They have a signing event until 6 PM tonight at the 300 building. Please turn in whatever sigs you have TODAY at that location, there will be a notary available.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “STOP the Funding is requesting ALL petitions turned in today!”
  1. A letter to the editor was printed in the Friday Argus. It addressed the proposed Admin Building. We should build a pyramid for the emperor mayor instead. Lots of cheap pink granite from the quarry. Call it Huether, charge to deflect tennis balls from the sides, and put a moat around it for gentry class swim teams. If it can be seen from space and oriented to Orion, our alien ruler might be satisfied and stop wasting public funds.

  2. I’ll skip all day when voters overwhelmingly condemn this project. Mike will cry in front of us. As usual I’ll laugh. However, it’s sad to watch someone destroy himself politically and personally.

  3. To see the right and not to do it is cowardice.

    Look at the means a man employs, consider his motives, observe his pleasures. He cannot conceal himself.

    Do not give a sword to a short man who cannot dance.

    – Confucius –

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