South DaCola

Stop the Funding to submit petitions on Tuesday – PUBLIC IS INVITED!


Stop the Funding is pleased to announce signatures of Sioux Falls voters will be presented to the City Clerk following a 10:30am, Tuesday, August 23, 2016 press conference at the historic Carnegie Townhall.

“We are excited this part of the process is finally coming to a close and the citizens of Sioux Falls will be able to begin restoring their right to be heard” Bruce Danielson, co-chair of Stop the Funding said. “The people want to be part of this decision and their signatures are the first step.”

Co-chair Kermit Staggers also added “The citizens are now looking forward to the ultimate right of American citizens, to vote.”

“The past three week collection of petitions was successful in both numbers and more importantly the number of citizens willing to walk door to door in their neighborhoods to help their neighbors sign.” Danielson added.

We still ask anyone who wishes to sign a petition or wishes to turn in petitions they are carrying, to turn them into the volunteers collecting signatures at the west entrance of the Minnehaha County Administration Building, 425 North Minnesota Ave. Also, the Stop the Funding office in the 300 Building, suite 106 located at 300 North Dakota Ave. between 3pm and 6pm when a Notary Public will be available.

Please turn in all petitions no matter how many signatures are on them today or call Bruce Danielson for final preparation needed for final submission.

August 22, 2016

For more information contact:

Bruce Danielson

(605) 376-8087

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