South DaCola

What is going on with the Lacey Estates and Oakview Neighborhood?

Back at the June 21, 2016 Sioux City council meeting, (Item#48) the city council decided to postpone the 2nd reading of the Apartment project until September so the developer, the city planning office and the Oakview neighborhood could get together and ‘chat’ about a compromise;

A motion was made by Council Member Michelle Erpenbach and seconded by Council Member Christine M. Erickson to set a date of hearing and 2nd Reading for Tuesday, September 13, 2016, for Item 48.

I didn’t support the delay, I think the council should have voted the project down and sent it back to the Planning Commission/Department. Councilors Stehly and Neitzert agreed. Neitzert even said ‘by law’ if any changes are made to the plan, it HAS to go back to the planning commission.

The Oakview neighborhood was asking for a traffic study and drainage study, which would result in major changes. As far as I have heard there has not been any real major meetings between the developer, the neighborhood and the Planning Department, and the developer has no plans right now to make any changes.

So why the delay to begin with? Good question. Maybe they were hoping the flaming football would exstinguish by stalling this a few months? That tactic may have worked in the past, but I am guessing the new council isn’t going to stand for it.

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