South DaCola

Back to the Plantation & Whips, September 20, 2016

2016-09-20 Back to the Plantation & Whips

Before getting back to basics on budget night, the citizens who witnessed the earlier shameful Rolfing power play and the cowardly behavior of some of Stehly’s “colleagues” decided to let the large in-house crowd and the massive viewing audience in on the joke called Sioux Falls City Council. September 20, 2016 will be remembered for what NOT to do to your fellow member. The speakers reminded them.

Did we witness, how to be a turncoat just because? We’ll put it out there as a question which only can be answered by the offending member(s). The public input speakers got it. The audience got it. The massive number of people watching TV, CityLink, internet and more could not believe what they saw when they got it.

Should we be ashamed of the help given to certain people in the recent campaign? We’ll decide because we all must decide. Trust built on pledges and promises is hard to earn back when lost.

Tim Stanga was eloquent. June Staggers started off the festivities with a quiet dignity. Our own L3wis took us down memory lane while the clerk’s staff got David Zokaties PowerPoint running. Did Sierra let the Council know they should be taking sensitivity training in Pierre also? If not, it is a great thought though.

Cameraman Bruce just wanted to know if the Mayor, Kiley and Rolfing got out their whips to beat down the plantation inferiors, trying to get them back in line for work. Did they get upset when a couple of them didn’t line up?

Everyone should be calling and emailing Rex Rolfing at Phone: 367-8808 and email: to let him know what kind of person he was and will remain in our hearts.

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