Cory Heidelberger of Dakota Free Press had to go up against an empty chair loaded with empty arguments at the Sioux Falls IPC on September 15, 2016 to dispel the need to let the SD Legislature bad law stand.


One Thought on “Cory & Referred Law 19 2016-09-15

  1. The D@ily Spin on September 19, 2016 at 10:56 am said:

    There’s prime political parties favoritism this bill addresses. Independents have separate drinking fountains and must sit at the back of the bus. I’m independent because I want to vote against both Trump and Hilary but (in the past) voted for Clinton and Reagan. This choice is restricted for state elections. It’s a lengthy complicated bill that’s hard to interpret. Independents deserve a vote. Most are not illegal aliens or convicted felons.

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