South DaCola

Councilor Neitzert doesn’t tell the ‘whole story’ to Stu Whitney


You can read Whitney’s diatribe about Theresa, some of it is true, some of it is stretch. His constant HATE of all things Staggers and his close relationship with the mayor is no secret. I have always contended that he should have stayed at the sports desk, the section of the newspaper I automatically pull out and put in recycling. Not to say Stu can’t write, but like many reporters in this city, they have NO historical knowledge of city government, so they write trash, some still call it a ‘commission’. The only good reporter they ever had on the city beat was Ellis, and after the Mayor cried to Beck, they pulled him off the beat.

But I have to take issue with this statement by councilor Neitzert;

I have not been bullied by the administration and no one ever said that we can’t talk to the press. Being asked to follow certain codes of conduct does not mean you are being suppressed.”

Really Greg? Really?

Greg has told me in emails and on the phone that he has in fact been bullied by the mayor for talking to the media, in fact, Greg has bragged to me he has gotten the best of the mayor in an email exchange after the mayor chastised him over a letter to the editor.

If Greg wants to give criticism towards Stehly, he is well within his rights, she has stumbled. But to say the mayor hasn’t bullied him is complete boloney.

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