As I have mentioned before there are two things I know about our current state of city government and my analysis of it;

  • It is predictable
  • I’m a cynic

Given that, I told Bruce from the beginning to not do the petition drive, I knew in my heart that we could never overturn the mayor’s decision to move forward with the project.

Even if the oath was correct, we would have had a terrible timeline to deal with. First off, you would need at least 6 councilors on board to call a special meeting to call an election, that would have had to happen before the bond sale. That would have been an impossible feat in itself.

But let’s say that magically happened, you would have still had to go to the courts to get them to delay the bond sale for the election.

I’m not saying our mayor, our courts or the city council is crooked in the process, I’m just saying the planets would have needed to align, big time.

The worst part about this is that the citizens lose. Whether you are for or against the building, you still did not get to decide. Much like the aquatic center, only one person got to put their rubber stamp on this.

It’s easy to be angry. I am not. I have often told my readers that if you can’t laugh at politicians, you will only end up hating them. I laugh a lot.

Local politics matter, pay attention, present your voice. Recently the Oakview neighborhood got ahead of an issue, and they succeeded, you can make a difference, but your timing is essential. On the Admin building, our clock ran out.

At the end of the day we can be thankful for one thing; term limits.

5 Thoughts on “I knew we were going to lose

  1. The D@ily Spin on September 29, 2016 at 7:27 pm said:

    “I’m not saying our mayor, our courts or the city council is crooked in the process.”

    Then, I’ll say it. This court case not only proves the mayor is absolute dictator, it proves we have no petition process. Six on the council and the judge sold our liberty and free speech on a technicality. A technicality that was the fault of the city clerk. A technicality that doesn’t exist because the city had no petition form. Bruce had to assemble one.

    Where to go from here? There’s no process. I’ve always advocated demonstrations at city hall and Carnegie. The mayor and council should have to dry clean their thousand dollar suits daily. I’m saving rotten tomatoes.

  2. The D@ily Spin on September 29, 2016 at 7:32 pm said:

    It’s hard to watch a world class city fail. The debt, crime, discrimination, and lack of civil liberty makes Sioux Falls number one on Money magazine worst place to live. One man, Mike Huether, is responsible.

  3. Ol'Bubbleguts on September 29, 2016 at 8:30 pm said:

    you declare yourself a cynic
    call me when you are an iconoclast
    still would enjoy a
    custom bettie p manipulation
    timegrows short


  4. One more obg on September 30, 2016 at 6:19 am said:

    Where to go from here? There’s no process. QT
    correct for a inner city foodie hipster
    color me impressed
    project mayhem
    long live robert paulsen
    not the color of your ikea or khakis

    i gt the feeling not no very many inter net
    people know how to use shortcuts
    all on phones not av.on them?

  5. The D@ily Spin on September 30, 2016 at 11:01 am said:


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