No doubt A.K. Investigate dug up some interesting stories while investigating Prairie Lakes medical center. These kind of things happen every day in the medical field, do I even dare to say, they happen right here in Sioux Falls?

I could dedicate an entire daily blog to the stories I hear about how people are treated at our local mega-plex hospitals, stories almost identical or worse then what you heard in A.K.’s story.

So why did they have to send her all the way to Watertown to do this story?

I bet if Stormland TV put out a call to patients of the two-headed monsters in Sioux Falls, they could fill the first floor of the Denny with patients.

So it makes you wonder if this was really an ‘investigative’ story to tell us how bad Prairie Lakes is, or if Stormland TV, who makes mega-bucks selling advertising to Sanny & CherVera is just doing their dirty work to pressure Prairie Lakes out of Watertown.

Notice in the stories where patients were transferred to? And suddenly they miraculously survived, or if they would have arrived sooner, they would have.

Wink, Nod, Wink, Wink.

There really isn’t any excuse for how people were treated at Prairie Lakes, it’s awful, but if you think these things don’t happen at our Abbot and Costello hospitals here in Sioux Falls, you better stop your prescription to your opiates immediately.

I’m just trying to figure out when A.K. started working in the sales department instead of the news department.


8 Thoughts on “Is Stormland TV doing the dirty work for our Hospital Industrial Complexes?

  1. The Blogger Formerly Known as "Winston" on September 9, 2016 at 5:22 pm said:

    These same thoughts have crossed my mind, too. When you think about it, the absence of a major Sanford presence in Watertown might be a little bit of an embarrassment to the shuttled folks who travel between Sioux Falls and Fargo, who knows…???…;-)

    In an age, when cost containment is crucial, in order, to offer and afford health care to all, one must ask how horizontal and vertical control of our health care system by one entity within our greater locale can really be healthy for us all, both in the short and long term….. in financial and health terms, that is…

    Now, out of fairness, KELO’s recent story about Paramedic Plus and then KSFY’s rebuttal may speak to a genuine concern about health care in this town by one of the media entities, which this blog piece places into question. But such an acknowledgement of legitimate concern leads to a greater question of whether KELO’s concerns about PP were driven by others or themselves and whether KSFY was competitively driven by fact or others’ interests.
    – a course, such an analysis places us into the potential abyss of conspiratorial thought, which we must be cognizant of and concerned about….

    However, when you look at the totality of the recent Prairie Lake news stories and the recent media scuffle over PP, it is fair to ask who is really behind all of this and why? Is it to promote better health care in our region or to merely protect the financial interests of some, which conveniently at times is masked as a promotion of greater health care for all?

  2. The D@ily Spin on September 9, 2016 at 8:10 pm said:

    Follow the money. Baby boomers are aging. They have wealth or Medicare. Sanford is after it. There’s a point at which healthcare is less important than accounting and federal funding. Once you’re billable, you (not they) must fight with insurance and small claims court to remain solvent. What’s happened is a sophisticated way for hospitals to avoid collections and insurance to prevent claims. Who owns hospitals, doctors. What is the focus for Wall Street investors, insurance companies and pharmaceuticals. Who pays, less than middle class victims. When we’re living in boxes under bridges.

  3. The D@ily Spin on September 9, 2016 at 8:37 pm said:

    Seriously, follow the money. The best way to avoid healthcare cost and rising Obama insurance is bankruptcy court. The more cases, the faster debt is forgiven. We’re back to ground zero but the Sanford profit structure fails. Therein lies the cure. When nobody pays on credit cards or for health care, Sanford becomes but another peasant. Keep your money out from anything First Premier. Hold equity in what can become future cash. There will be a correction once the Feds step in and remedy this exponential pyramid scheme.

  4. I’m waiting for Stormland reporter Breanne Blueberry to go work out at the Prairie Lakes fitness center then complain there wasn’t enough towels to wipe off her sweaty pancake makeup face.

  5. I have first hand knowledge that things have benn fubar in Prarie Lakes hospital for years. They cant get the talent that the big hospitals can. This has been going on long before the SanVera saga.

    Their has been a rumor in town that Sanford is eying property for a new facility. Theres no reason to buy the aging system. Avera has a partial stake in the clinic and Sanford owns the other one.

    I know first hand the Ksynch family reached out to Kelo.

    I know that the community will be relieved when the hospital is purchased by a serious health care provider. A lot of folks drive to Soo Foo to not to go to PL

  6. LJL, I believe everthing you are saying. Like I said, no doubt what was going on at PL, was not good.

    I also know people in SF that drive to Rochester or Omaha to get care because they won’t go to our local hospitals. These kind of things go on across our country and in Sioux Falls. In all fairness, A.K. should have done a comparison in complaints filed against PL and hospitals in our community.

  7. There is no health care and never really has been. If you look at the over all ratings the US ranks something like this: THE WORST…..

    It’s not about quality, it’s about how much money we can get out of you!

    Look at Monsanto’s (round up) it’s been proven to be a carcinogenic for years. But yet are farmers are spraying it like there’s no tomorrow.

  8. The Blogger Formerly Known as "Winston" on September 10, 2016 at 1:07 pm said:

    What about the poor rating Sanford and the Brookings hospital received from the Federal government last December?

    I was always surprised that that story did not get more attention. Even the “New Media” seemed to ignore it at the time, if I remember right…?….

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