I guess they are on a tight schedule now with the council. Maybe since none of them are getting very good raises they all have to start using public transit?


This is all very strange, and to tell you the truth I have NO idea what it is all about. Maybe this is why they got mad at Stehly, she was interrupting the bus schedule for the city directors that had to catch a bus.

As I have said in the past, anyone who works for the city or is elected is getting paid to be at these meetings, there are no time limits. If they start to go long they can always be postponed.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Now they are timing the informational meeting presentations?”
  1. Do hail storms, blizzards, and tornados have a time limit? When the emperor mayor is God, probably.

  2. Rumor has it that a certain politician’s wife got upset because she had to wait to be a part of a presentation at the Land Use Meeting. I thought to myself, ‘What was she late for? A sale at Bed, Bath and Beyond?’

    When the council meetings were on Monday Nights, I think they used to schedule the committee meetings on Tuesdays with an exact starting time.

  3. Things like audit, streets, and the future have less priority than one day liquor licenses. Don’t give the council information. They might start believing they’re important.

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