I’ve been following local politics for over 12 years. Something I have tried to grasp is that ‘votes are votes’. You can’t pin political motives, intentions or personalities on single votes. It’s ignorant and doesn’t help the process. It’s what the extremists in the two major parties do. They suck.

You have a right to be down right pissed off by a vote. City councilors that I have respected throughout the years have voted in ways I thought ignorant. I have probably disagreed with Greg Jamison, Kenny Anderson and Kermit Staggers more times then I have agreed, but guess what, I have also built bridges with them.

While councilor Erickson has been at this for 2 years, and has flipped votes many times, Selberg and Neitzert, are new at this, and learning their sea legs.

I am not going to defend the reasons they voted against an advisory election, I get why they did, I just don’t agree. But I also understand, the citizens of this city may need their vote on other issues some day. So why would we throw the baby out with the bath water?

I get the citizens frustration, but like rolling dice, things don’t always go your way. Erickson, Neitzert and Selberg had their reasons to vote against the election. Oh well, they have to own that, but I’m not going to disown them as city councilors because of it. Heck, even Erpenbach pulls through sometime.

I encourage any citizen who may be upset with them about the vote to chill out and look at the big picture. Politics are politics and people are people. Both come in different colors and stripes. Deal with it. Their is only one direction, forward.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Our city council is a rainbow of colors”
  1. Their choice to either support the people or not regarding the advisory vote definitely will be remembered by the voters when they come up for re-election.

    I have not heard any of them explain why their vote changed from one week to the next. That’s because they have no reasonable explanation.

    I will not be supporting any of them!

  2. Sorry, don’t agree with you. If they (especially new councilors) won’t give an explanation for a prominent vote, they’re on their way out. You can’t ignore 6500 petitioners. They listened to the mayor and should have listened to the people.

  3. Hey, I was one of the first to chide them and make fun of their ignorant vote. They will have to do a lot of explaining, especially after a decision is rendered by the courts. This will be remembered for a very long time, as Manny Steele has stated. But they still are our city council, and unless they start voting with the dreadful 3 and the mayor every single meeting, I’m willing to just say whatever and move on. If the ignorant votes continue, then it will be time to raise some real Hell.

  4. The most prominent color on the council is plainly yellow.

    Stehly and Starr wear the red, white, and blue colors.

  5. Manny Steele said it well. I respect the 2 Councilors who voted properly for the people. Rolfing said 10 to 1 wanted the Admin Building. That was his defense. It’s those voices in his mind that merit his recall. I’m yet to meet someone who favors this project. Rolfing spends to much time in the Space Station. He should come back to earth for awhile and eat off a plate instead of suck through packets. Crap on a real toilet where shit falls and doesn’t float.

  6. Considering who Rex’s social network probably are, of course it’s 10-1. Many people with opposing views have given up trying to reach certain councilors, because they don’t get back to them; but many just believe it will just do no good.

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