3 Thoughts on “Stop the Funding on Forum

  1. The D@ily Spin on September 4, 2016 at 12:13 pm said:

    So there was no form on the city web site and the city clerk didn’t have a form when asked. Reverting to the state form was the only option. It’s going to make the court case another waste of city resources. What really troubles me is city arrogance. There’s a wall between the mayor and the public. It’s a Berlin Wall.

  2. The D@ily Spin on September 4, 2016 at 12:24 pm said:

    I had a Supreme Court case against the city. They conveniently lose or deny everything. I won my case when I produced evidence. It’s a major legal and constitutional issue when government doesn’t provide its record.

    Please, everyone, when you do anything with the city record it and have a witness (preferably a lawyer). You’re not dealing with democracy. You’re dealing with a crime syndicate.

  3. anonymous on September 4, 2016 at 8:41 pm said:

    If anything, I’m certain Huether, Erpenbach, Kiley and Rolfing are going to dig their heels in even deeper.

    So far, they have not been swayed in the stand they have taken and I highly doubt they are going to change their minds now.

    They will proceed with the sale of the bonds as scheduled which makes an advisory vote meaningless.

    I do believe there will be a political price for this decision, if any of these four individuals run for office in the future.

    Lesson Learned For Future Petition Drives: do not allow the arrogance and inexperience of one individual to bypass the crucial process of having petition language verified by trained, knowledgable lawyers.

    If you are going to ask the public to sign a petition, you owe to them to insure that the document they are signing is legally sound.

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