South DaCola

The SON neighborhood warned us of retail sprawl


Lora was right about something

The wise folks in our Sioux Falls planning office ignored the drainage issues. Remember a few short days ago and my analogy of Sioux Falls as a pancake? Believe it or not, it is one the few tidbits I remember from a mayoral forum Lora Hubbel was in when mayor Munson was running. She warned Sioux Falls citizens of the ‘flatlands’ we live on. Well at least Lora has that conspiracy theory tied up. Now if we can just get that five foot branch to pull the trigger.

These are the images of flooding around the new Walmart and Schulte dealership on 85th street. As mayor Huether said tonight on Stormland TV, this is a 350 year flood. Where does he get this stuff?

Sorry kids, we had a simple rainstorm today, this should not be happening in a ‘well planned’ city.

I have more this weekend about the backdoor deals made since Wallyworld was built to turn this whole neighborhood into a lake.

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