South DaCola

This is about citizen rights


Former Rep. Manny Steele writes a letter about Tuesday’s vote;

The only fair way to know was to give the citizens an opportunity to vote.

The only council members true to the citizens at the Tuesday night council meeting were Theresa Stehly and Pat Starr. They honored their commitment to the people.

The other three: Greg Neitzert, Kristine Erickson and Marshall Selberg, who first voted for the people to have a vote, turned against the people and threw them under the bus.

The reasons given to flip flop were weak at best, and a real cop-out. They gave up and surrendered to the mayor when the citizens really needed them.

I am, as many others, extremely disappointed in them.

Yes, this was an ‘advisory vote’ but it would have shown some solidarity amongst the councilors who fought for this repeal to begin with.

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