While I had my issues with Dave Munson as a mayor, at least his head is in the right place;

Former Sioux Falls Mayor Dave Munson said even if he was totally on board for a project, the voters voices should always be heard if ever there is a doubt.

“I think there was a affirmation of people of signing that petition that was put there that said people are interested enough to have a vote on it, and if I’ve got the good project I should be able to go out and discuss it,” he said. “I think it would give it more time for discussion or it.”

Even if technically the petition drive has its hiccups, you can’t argue with the 6400 people who signed it.

8 Thoughts on “When a former mayor says to honor the vote, how can you ignore it?

  1. Concerned citizen on September 2, 2016 at 12:03 am said:

    Well said Dave!

  2. Teatime on September 2, 2016 at 9:53 am said:

    When did he say that?

  3. The D@ily Spin on September 2, 2016 at 9:55 am said:

    And you can’t argue with recalling the 3 Councilors who insist on preventing a vote. Take them out one at a time until they get it. Start with the man who discriminates with what hats veterans wear.

  4. “How can you ignore it?”

    I don’t know… probably because he’s the *former* mayor. Let’s start with that.

    If George W. Bush objects to something President Obama wants to do, does that obligate President Obama to dick around for nine months before holding an advisory vote on a ballot that typically averages about 3-5% turnout?

  5. The D@ily Spin on September 3, 2016 at 12:11 pm said:

    Sounds like Hornguy is a Huether troll.

    The worst mistake Munson made was Harmondon Fields. It wasn’t really a mistake. Private land was donated on condition it be developed into ball fields before a deadline.

    Huether built an aquatics center on federal land promising veterans therapy. He put the back toward the VA such that vets must go around the block on streets without sidewalks. No, that wasn’t enough. He reserved it for upper class swim teams and privatized it by calling it Midco.

  6. The D@ily Spin on September 3, 2016 at 12:24 pm said:

    Think of Huether this winter when you see handicapped veterans in wheelchairs struggling thru snow and ice 1/4 mile along 22nd street and down Western trying to get to aquatics therapy in the dark because their only time is 5 to 7 am. Water boarding at Guantanamo is cruel. This is disrespectful and I humane. It’s the best way to lose VFW and American Legion endorsement if you run for governor.

  7. “Sounds like Hornguy is a Huether troll.”

    Excellent response. A real shame you weren’t on my debate team in high school. We’d have racked up huge points with arguments like that.

    Was “I know you are but what am I?” already claimed?

  8. Run for Governor slick Mike.no.

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