By l3wis

One thought on “Eric Leggett, District 15, House Candidate”
  1. If elected, who will he caucus with? And doesn’t he have to caucus with one of the political parties to receive committee assignments in the legislature?

    What is his position on Medicaid expansion, which is a very important issue for District 15 citizens?

    He seems to be more concerned about auditing the State’s finances, getting on the Appropriations committee, fascinated with the Education committee (likes Munsterman), incredibly willing to indict the Democrats in a Democratic district, and concerned about Libertarian issues, than a key issue like Medicaid expansion which would directly benefit the citizens of 15; which begs the question… Is he really an “Independent” or merely a closet Republican or Libertarian, who is hiding under the cloak of the “Independent” label in order to be more accepted by the Democratic voter in 15?

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