When you follow this stuff for over a decade, you sometimes get the feeling a broken record is being played;

Today’s informational meeting will cover;

  • Foundation Park (and all the taxpayer expenditures with NO tenants)
  • Paratransit funding (and how the mayor is still p’ssed that we aren’t charging more for it)
  • The National Citizen Survey (and how we are allowing under 1% of citizens tell us how to run this town)

Hope you tune in, buckle up your boots, get your scoop shovels in working order and wear gas masks, it’s going to be tantalizing.

By l3wis

One thought on “Interesting topics at the Sioux Falls City Council Informational meeting”
  1. It’s easy to run out of subject matter when the council refuses to address half a billion in debt and a sovereign city that denies citizens constitutional freedom.

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