2 thoughts on “Jeff Barth, District 25, Senate Candidate”
Imagine a State Senate where Reynold Nesiba, Cory Heidelberger, and Jeff Barth are members of it. Are we worthy of it? I think so. Will it happen? Hopefully.
Jeff has a record of shaking things up. If he goes to Pierre next January, I am confident that that quality in him will not end, rather it will live on.
Whether it be breaking-up the Republican hold on the Minnehaha County Commission, or calling-out the same Commission for breaking the open meetings law, or creating a viral YouTube video which caught the South Dakota Democratic establishment with its pants down, or a Republican colleague who once claimed that Jeff…”Carries the torch for the common man”…. Jeff has proven that he is not scared to take on the establishment and show results in it….
My only disappointment in this interview was that Jeff did not mention a quote he often says.- a quote which is sad, but true, and that is the fact that more Americans died from EB5 and GEARUP in South Dakota, than in Benghazi, yet Republicans obsess on the latter in this state. I guess that is why they are also more concerned with Hillary’s emails than Rounds’ or Benda’s. But hopefully, this misdirected interest in Pierre will change with the election of public servants like Jeff as opposed to his opponent, who currently sets in the State Senate not because the people elected her, but because a establishment Governor appointed her to that position….
Remember, in 2016, it is not just enough to vote “Yes” on key initiatives and referendums to assure greater ethics and bi-partisan accomplishments in Pierre. We also have to elect the right people to serve in Pierre to steward and implement the changes we desperately want to see in our State government….
Well, to be fair, some was edited from the video, because when Jeff and I start talking politics . . . you can finish that sentence 🙂
Imagine a State Senate where Reynold Nesiba, Cory Heidelberger, and Jeff Barth are members of it. Are we worthy of it? I think so. Will it happen? Hopefully.
Jeff has a record of shaking things up. If he goes to Pierre next January, I am confident that that quality in him will not end, rather it will live on.
Whether it be breaking-up the Republican hold on the Minnehaha County Commission, or calling-out the same Commission for breaking the open meetings law, or creating a viral YouTube video which caught the South Dakota Democratic establishment with its pants down, or a Republican colleague who once claimed that Jeff…”Carries the torch for the common man”…. Jeff has proven that he is not scared to take on the establishment and show results in it….
My only disappointment in this interview was that Jeff did not mention a quote he often says.- a quote which is sad, but true, and that is the fact that more Americans died from EB5 and GEARUP in South Dakota, than in Benghazi, yet Republicans obsess on the latter in this state. I guess that is why they are also more concerned with Hillary’s emails than Rounds’ or Benda’s. But hopefully, this misdirected interest in Pierre will change with the election of public servants like Jeff as opposed to his opponent, who currently sets in the State Senate not because the people elected her, but because a establishment Governor appointed her to that position….
Remember, in 2016, it is not just enough to vote “Yes” on key initiatives and referendums to assure greater ethics and bi-partisan accomplishments in Pierre. We also have to elect the right people to serve in Pierre to steward and implement the changes we desperately want to see in our State government….
Well, to be fair, some was edited from the video, because when Jeff and I start talking politics . . . you can finish that sentence 🙂