And then the local MSM chimes in;

The shadow of secrecy continues to creep and the council’s action in the Stehly incident is just the latest worst example.

City Attorney David Pfeifle has refused to answer questions at to the legal justification of this secret session. This is unacceptable. Pfeifle is a public official and as such answerable to the people, which in this case is Argus Leader Media.

There is no place in a free society for the secrecy and subterfuge currently engaged in Sioux Falls city government.

It must stop.

First off, thank you Pat for writing this column, though I don’t agree with your digs at Theresa (surprised he wasn’t able to work in some Staggers digs in to). As I have said, this kind of bullying and intimidation has been going on for a long time. Kermit comes to mind, and ironically the AL has chimed in encouraging the bullying against him. Funny how these things work.

8 Thoughts on “Lalley points out something DaCola has known about a very long time

  1. The D@ily Spin on October 9, 2016 at 9:35 pm said:

    When something is obviously wrong. It’s wrong. People deserve good government. The Argus has presented itself as a representative filter. Let’s credit the 6400 and growing. I’d expect the city attorney’s resignation this week. It’s time to expose Huether.

  2. matt johnson on October 10, 2016 at 6:28 am said:

    She is a trouble maker and nay sayer. She and others said no to ordinances about beautification of our boulevards. She said no to an indoor pool at Drake Springs- one that would have never worked due to the ground water there. She also said no to the council- telling them they could not keep snow gates out of Sioux Falls. What a pain in the hinder.

  3. Theresa stehly on October 10, 2016 at 11:42 am said:

    Matt, I just needed to clarify that I said YES to creating an ordinance that would encourage boulevard gardening and allow citizens to continue to have rocks,grasses and perennials in the landscape. We spent hours contacting citizens to encourage them to give their input to the Council.

    I advocated for a traditional
    outdoor swimming venue for the children in the Drake Springs Area.( I think we need more outdoor,traditional pools for our youth).

    And I said a BIG yes to the snow Gate service.
    I will continue to work for issues that will serve our citizens and to keep them involved and INFORMED!!!

    PS…I also said YES to providing more solar speed signs around town in high complaint areas. These are mounted on poles,movable , solar powered and PROVEN to calm traffic. We use similar ones now in school zones.

  4. The D@ily Spin on October 10, 2016 at 11:48 am said:

    Some side with Theresa. Some don’t. One thing for sure. She represents citizens. Other Councilors are installed to vote for eccentric arrogant Huether projects. For them it’s selfishly about status and monetary gain.

  5. The D@ily Spin on October 10, 2016 at 11:57 am said:

    Matt is a city plant. The soils was not public until now. Everything about the Indoor Water Feature was corrupt. Citizens voted to not replace the pool. The city attorney’s voter language left doubt and Huether proceeded with his venue. Soils, a problem whether or not pool is indoor or outdoor. A bigger problem is it’s on federal (not city) property.

  6. The D@ily Spin on October 10, 2016 at 12:03 pm said:

    How about fix this pool with siding that’s fallen off the Events Center?

  7. I think Matt was being sarcastic towards what Lalley said about you Theresa. He supports you, that is clear.

  8. matt johnson on October 10, 2016 at 1:28 pm said:

    Yes I intended to be sarcastic Theresa was saying no- to the power structure in Sioux Falls the city did not want snow gates; they did not want beautiful boulevards and they wanted an indoor pool at Drake Springs and Theresa, the trouble making nay saying pain in the hinder said no to them and got what the citizens wanted

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