South DaCola

Why I voted for Hillary Clinton


She’s not perfect, but she also is not Trump

I voted several weeks ago, mainly because there are 10 important ballot measures and several close and important county and legislative races. But I almost left the presidential ballot blank. But I plugged my nose, closed my eyes and penciled in Clinton. As I have said before, Trump will probably win in SD and our vote for president really doesn’t matter in SD. We haven’t elected a Democrat for president in SD since Johnson. That’s a long time ago.

I will agree with most Trump supporters that Hillary has a bumpy public service resume over the past 30 years. Real bumpy. But she has one. No public servant has a perfect record. But Hillary’s achievements outweigh her downfalls. Her public service experience is paramount to Trump. He has zero. Unless you count his tax avoidance and the constant lawsuits he is involved with with the government.

He scares the S— out of me. He has no policy experience, no Federal economics experience, no national security experience. Zilch. All he has is shallow anger.

I tell people my choice for president was very easy. While I do have concerns about Hillary, I also know what goes on in Washington is mostly silliness, but as long as the next president can keep me safe and not let the bottom fall out of the economy, that’s about all I can expect from them. I will sleep soundly if Hillary is elected, because I think she can at ‘least’ provide me with that security. If she accomplishes other things like fixing the ACA, keeping Social Security and Medicare viable, ending the wars in the mideast, fixing the racial divisions in our country, raising taxes on the rich and appointing more liberal judges, that would also be great.

Trump hasn’t proved to me he can provide that kind of security. In fact, I can’t imagine the nightly bad dreams I would have if he is elected. The best way to describe a Trump presidency?


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