I’m willing to give Mr. Nesiba the benefit of the doubt and let the courts decide his fate and not a bunch of republican bloggers;
According to court papers, Nesiba allegedly attacked a woman he met on Facebook and met with in-person a few times. Â On the day of the reported incident, the victim says Nesiba tried taking her shirt off. Â The papers also say Nesiba told the victim, ‘You don’t need those pants,’ and began to unbuckle them.
For full disclosure, I know Reynold. I actually met him when he was running the successful petition drive to get rid of Rounds’ fleet of airplanes. We have had many interesting conversations, and to tell you the truth, we don’t agree much. But I do give him credit for being frank with me. He often disagrees with me on city politics.
I try not to blog about these things because I believe people deserve their day in court. I also think that there are other ‘factors’ and ‘people’ involved in this case that would not normally be involved, which leads to suspect.
But I will give this advice to my readers;
• NO really means NO.
• Innocent until proven guilty.