South DaCola

Let’s Face It, the Mayor and the Director of Parks had NO plan before opening the indoor pool

This whole thing about the swim teams, and elitism is total hogwash. The fact is the mayor’s ‘peeps’ had NO plan when they opened the doors. Now they are spinning what was being said about the swim teams and the media misleading people. I think the media was very clear; The Mayor talks out of both sides of his mouth.

Also, I loved Sneveawonderful’s tweet about the empty suit B-N-B is, and his spelling challenged* producer, Too-Late Todd.

*Todd often spells names of politicians wrong in his posts (I’m not perfect either) but one day he had three different posts about councilor Stehly and he spelled her name three different ways, none of them correct. No wonder he doesn’t pracktuce lawe anymoore. Remember, in journalism, it IS the little things that count.

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