South DaCola

Mayor Huether Lies about voter turnout to encourage people to vote

2016-05-18  - Da Mayor makes up crap again

Then Mike ponders why these people have not shown up since?

Mayor Mike Huether says that one major facility in Sioux Falls is a perfect example of what voting can accomplish.

“We had over forty thousand people vote on the event center,” Mayor Huether said, “Over 40% voter turnout… and it ended up being the largest voter turn out in city of Sioux Fall’s history.”

It was part of a special election held in November of 2011 and, while there isn’t a special election being held this year, he’s hoping for a record turnout this time as well with the 45th President of the United States being determined.

“When you voted, whether you voted yes or whether you voted no, you’re vote had an impact on your city in such a dramatic way.”

Whether it’s a Presidential Election or a special election to determine the fate of the Premier Center, officials say it’s important to make your voice heard and exercise your right to vote.

Yes, only in Mike’s twisted logic, he would try to get people to vote by lying about election results. Oh Brother. Even after we pointed out this lie months ago. Typical salesman, who cares about the past when we can re-write it?

Ironically, he is not only lying about voter turnout, he fails to mention that over 11,000 of them never showed up to vote again AND it was only an advisory vote. The city council is the one that authorized the sale of the bonds, not the citizenry. In fact, the council could have voted against the EC bonds and the citizens would have had NO legal recourse. They would have had to have a petition drive and an actual LEGAL election to authorize the sale of the bonds to override the council’s decision, similar to the city admin petition drive. Then the voters would have truly had a say in the EC bond sale.

What amazes me even more is that the state’s highest ranking Democrat would hold a press conference about voting, and lie to the public. Makes you wonder what other things he has been lying about. Scary, I know. Spring of 2018 cannot come soon enough.

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