South DaCola

Mayor’s Biggest Accomplishment? Spreading Confidence?

I still am trying to figure out how this trickles down on to citizens?

Q: What are you most proud of as mayor of Sioux Falls?

A: It is all about confidence whether it be a sporting event, running a business or nonprofit or running a city. One of the things I’m incredibly proud of in Sioux Falls is our confidence level is as high as it’s ever been and we don’t believe there’s anything we can’t tackle as a city. We are kicking tail and getting things done in government in Sioux Falls.

Maybe he ought to hand some of that high level of confidence over to the SFPD so they can ‘tackle’ our out of control drug and violent crime problem. Or maybe he needs to hand some of that confidence over to employers so they can start paying living wages so that our food banks don’t keep growing.

How would I have answered that question? I would have said “Our Citizens, I’m most proud of our citizens.” But as Mike recently said in a meeting with other city officials, “We didn’t need them (citizens) to weigh in. We got it handled.”

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