South DaCola

Should the Minnehaha County Commission Meetings be held at Night?

I know I have been told a reason why the meetings are held in the morning, but I can’t recall why, and quite honestly, don’t care.

I have often thought that government should be accessible to all, not just government folks and their convenience. A more transparent government would do the public’s work when a majority of the public can show up. 9:30 on a Tuesday morning is a poor time to conduct a public meeting. I do understand the conflict with the city council meetings, but I do think they could hold their public meeting at night on a Monday and I wouldn’t even be opposed to 5:30 PM. I do watch the meetings online after they are recorded, but that usually takes 2-3 days before they are put online (still puzzled why it takes between 24-72 hours to rasterize a video for YouTube?)

I hope the county commission would consider a change.

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