I’m am working on two important posts;
• City goals for 2017 &
• Year in review for 2016
I have to confess, I am about half way through 2016 and it has been a turbulent year with lots of achievements and failures for transparency soldiers like me. But I had to stop working on it tonight after watching a public input video (I couldn’t stop laughing). I would like to thank Bruce for adding this to DaCola, one of the more popular segments on our site.
I think the currency of leadership is transparency. You’ve got to be truthful. I don’t think you should be vulnerable every day, but there are moments where you’ve got to share your soul and conscience with people and show them who you are, and not be afraid of it. – Howard Schultz
and my favorite quote on transparency;
I find that when you open the door toward openness and transparency, a lot of people will follow you through. – Kirsten Gillibrand
For 2016; how are we gonna pay Huether’s credit card bill?
For 2017; the city is sovereign. Look the other way when there’s marijuana. Lay off police if necessary. There will be a surge in population thus retail sales tax. It’s the quickest way for the state to declare martial law and replace Strong Mayor Charter.
Why can’t a city ignore state and federal law? A sovereign entity is not unlike an Indian reservation. Colorado had major debt that was paid off in 2 years. The new economy would fill both the EC and Washington Pavilion for pot expos and conventions. Minimum wage becomes $50 for the influx of weed manacurists.
When you’re in default, work with what you got to turn it around.
Just kidding, maybe not. However, vote the Washington Pavilion to become a city casino resort?
I want to know if your running against used to be my man Mike as the labor party
Hell No. I get much more done with my poison pen on the internets.
I’ll run as Indy with help. It’ll be a Marijuana Mecca platform. It’s possible with Home Rule Charter sovereignty and lack of state jurisdiction. Debt would be handled in 2 years. Gotta promise contracts and ‘look the other way’ zoning to insider developers but oh well. By the end of one term, I’d restore democracy and pick my successor. You know, anyone who means it when they take an oath ‘To Protect and Defend the Constitution’. The quarky charter makes this an ideal time to bring medical cannabis to the Midwest.
There’s 700+ cannabis farms in the northern golden triangle of California. Banks will not allow they as customers. Their biggest problem is remembering where they buried 500K. Turns out medical sales are legal as a nonprofit if revenue goes into public infrastructure. Here it would be pay down debt, infrastructure, and social programs. Farm executives decide their excepted million dollar salaries or they can take the Shiek tax free religious angle. Let’s do this!!!
if the commander runs i am in
@moses: Maybe just part of The Pav for the casino would do.