South DaCola

Incoming, it’s a Hot Mic Tonight, Public Input Dec 20, 2016

2016-12-20  - Incoming, it's a Hot Mic Tonight

If our greatest mayor who ever lived is planning a future as our greatest guv’nor or congress critter, he better get his big boy pants on and show some respect.

The microphones were hot Tuesday night to match the temperaments during public input. Citizens show up to offer advice on current issues facing the city. Our elected leaders don’t always like it. Too Bad, So Sad. Sioux Falls City Council Public Input on December 20, 2016 was just one of those nights where the mayor didn’t get his loving and adoration he demands.

We’ll be showing the rest of the input in another video but this video shows his disdain for those who dare challenge him or his policies. Just remember, the mayor gives out Gold Tooth awards for those he really disdains.

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