South DaCola

UPDATE II: Look Familiar?

Yes, that’s right kids, the same contractor and siding installer is having all kinds of fun with their handy work over in Minneapolis. Notice the images below? Looks like their famous ‘design feature’ is popular, unless you use it outdoors.

mplsisdin1 mplsisdin2

Both moisture and wind have previously caused trouble for the $1.1 billion building that opened in August. The zinc panels on the exterior have been the focus of a couple of concerns on the building.

Thousands of zinc panels line the exterior of the building. They are 12 inches high and range in length from 6 to 12 feet.

Initially, the panels were only bolted down along the bottom edge. After heavy storms last summer, some panels came loose and flapped in the wind. Mortenson workers then reinforced the panels along the top edge so they wouldn’t stay down.

The movement of the panels was attributed at the time to unexpectedly strong wind pressure on certain angles of the building.

In an unrelated problem, Mortenson had to remove and reinstall some of the rectangular zinc panels to access and replace a faulty moisture barrier on the building. More than a year ago, workers noticed dampness on a parapet wall and pooling of water in a gutter.

Mortenson executive John Wood said the replacement of the barrier was expected to cost the company up to $4 million.

And what did we do with our settlement money? We bought beer coolers.

UPDATE: Only minutes after I post the story above, the AL reports the same to the sister building right here in Sioux Falls;

Strong winds Sunday night caused part of the soffit on the building’s north side to peel off. Wind gusts reached up to 55 mph, according to the National Weather Service.

I think it is time to take former councilor Jamison’s idea and start peeling back the siding in certain spots and taking a look of what is underneath. Of course, we may have to hold back on the new beer coolers.


From Cameraman Bruce: The panels were installed on light gauge 2 x 4 metal studs with maybe light sheet metal screws. The weight of the soffit metal panels was whipped up and down during the storm breaking the sheet metal screws, thus releasing the framing. This is on the north Side between dock doors and west door.

BTW, look at the insulation laid in the framing. Looking up in the hole I did not see where there was much other insulation or ways to hold it up. You can see the sheetrock for third floor?

What I don’t understand is how does soffit come loose that is hidden underneath a concrete barrier from wind? The only time I have seen soffit come loose like that in the construction business is when there is water damage from above causing pressure on the soffit to come loose. Be interesting to see how the city covers this one up.

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