Oh, Mike, how you twist thee . . .

As he was gloating over the ‘Ask the Mayor’ show Holsen produces and his great service of informing the public (because the local media does not) he mentioned that the Midco Aquatic Center will never operate in the black ‘Like the Events Center does.’

Give it up Mike. While the sponsorships and rental fees at the EC make SMG a profit and probably cover operating fees, the over $10 million in mortgage payments and normal maintenance is NOT covered by the profits of the Events Center, that comes out of our road funds. If anyone ran their business like we run the EC, they would be bankrupt in 6 months.


By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Mayor Huether thinks the Events Center makes us money”
  1. Is there any truth when he speaks? I’ve learned not to listen. Something most do not realize is the old convention center goes empty. Associate utilities and maintenance for it with the Events Center and there’s not only always a loss but deep dark bankrupt red. Is it time to convert the convention center into parking for the Events Center?

    How about replace EC siding with corn cobbs and sell post cards when there’s no Lawrence Welk type band or ancient rock stars booked. For the indoor pool, swim with porpoises.

  2. This is off the subject, but, last night, I could not believe it when he told the Council (and the public) that he did not understand Councilor Erickson’s amendment to the tobacco ordinance.

    Really, Mike…..

    You have a whole team of attorneys at your disposal!

  3. Soon we’ll replace this mayor. When you need a password you’re sure you’ll forget, ‘Huether’.

  4. Holstein is not black and white. He’s some of the Sanford Klan. ‘Ask the Mayor’ is red propaganda. It turns my stomach and (professionally) should turn his too, both of them.

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