So now, the public and council have to research what the city paid last year for these services so we know what they cost this year.

Things are getting real shady at city hall these days when it comes to talking finances.


By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Notice a ‘Not so Clever’ change in the consent agenda?”
  1. Perhaps, Director Turbak does not have enough staff to provide this information to the taxpayers!

  2. Sneaky. Lately, everything from the city tells me they’re broke and won’t admit it. Time to put Turbak under oath on the witness stand?

  3. Heres something to do some digging into.

    Whats was the total amount of city streets in 2006 and what was the snow removal budget?

    Whats is the total amount of city streets this year and what is the snow removal budget?

    I gotta hunch the crooks in the city are taking the increases in property tax revenue thats suppose to be used for snow removal to cover for shit we don’t need.

  4. Tax, prior to the December 6, 2016 meeting I requested information on the Parking Ramp Construction Manager and Drone contracts from Turbak’s office but no one answered the telephone. No one. So I called da mayor’s office and asked Julie Wilson, you know the esteemed best employee a mayor or taxpayers could ever have (so claimed by da mayor). She took the information and how to get the data to me. NOTHING.

    We like the Argus Leader ask for public information and our most transparent administration in history is all bumbling blunder not worthy of the electricity to keep the office lights on much less their paychecks.

    Oh for the countdown clock to show the term to end for this worthless administrator of lies.

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