Standing before several dozen students in a college classroom, Travis Rieder tries to convince them not to have children. Or at least not too many.
He’s at James Madison University in southwest Virginia to talk about a “small-family ethic” — to question the assumptions of a society that sees having children as good, throws parties for expecting parents, and in which parents then pressure their kids to “give them grandchildren.”
Why question such assumptions? The prospect of climate catastrophe.
For years, people have lamented how bad things might get “for our grandchildren,” but Rieder tells the students that future isn’t so far off anymore.
He asks how old they will be in 2036, and, if they are thinking of having kids, how old their kids will be.
Adding to that challenge, the world is expected to add several billion people in the next few decades, each one producing more emissions.
In fact, without dramatic action, climatologists say, the world is on track to hit 4 degrees Celsius of warming by the end of the century, and worse beyond that. A World Bank report says this must be avoided, and warns of unprecedented heat waves, severe drought and serious impacts on ecosystems and “human systems.”
In case you missed my performance last night, here is my Naughty/Nice list;
NAUGHTY: Trump being elected by the Electoral College without support of a majority of American Voters
NICE: Being screwed in the rear doesn’t seem so awful anymore
NAUGHTY: Kyle West and all his stupid rants
NICE: So glad I have no idea who this guy is
NICE: All the sold out concerts at the Events Center
NAUGHTY: If I have to hear one more song about a hat, a dog and a rapping fiddle player, I’m going to puke.
NICE: The Rats running payday lending shops may finally be run out of South Dakota
NAUGHTY: We are supposed to care that Chuck Brennan is closing down his buttrocker palace and coliseum of dirt.
NICE: We will not have to tolerate the noise from the F-35 Flying Lemon in Sioux Falls since we were taken out of the running
NAUGHTY: Unfortunately, Mene Genes burgers will not be able to sell their Freedom Fries at the Airport’s food court, which were going to come with a special dipping sauce made from Mayor Mike’s leftover hair product and tears.
NICE: The city has a new indoor swimming pool, sponsored by an internet and cable company
NAUGHTY: The wi-fi and big screen TV are more popular then the pools since the lockers are too small to fit an I-PAD into
NICE: Our mayor says we are ‘winning’ in Sioux Falls
NAUGHTY: Unfortunately all we are winning is a lot of debt and low paying jobs
NICE: Feeding SD provides a wonderful service to the less fortunate
NAUGHTY: Unfortunately they have to eat leftovers from Walmart
NICE: The public has received a million dollar settlement over the Events Center siding to buy more beer coolers.
NAUGHTY: We still don’t f**king know what’s wrong with the siding, but the hot dogs are sure tasty
NICE: Development in Downtown Sioux Falls is going through the roof
NAUGHTY: It’s all happening in SPITE of the roof
NAUGHTY: The Sioux Falls Police Department officially has given up on looking for the Tuthill Shooter
NICE: Squirrels, rabbits, deer and even tree branch shadows have a reason to rejoice in our public parks
NICE: We elected four new progressive city councilors that are willing to stand up for the citizens
NAUGHTY: Stock in the Mayor Huether facial tissue company is flat lining.
NICE: Sioux Falls first ever Art Maze was amazing
NAUGHTY: Now if we can just get the rest of DT to embrace alternative public art that doesn’t look like an angel reading a book to a pig on dead president’s lap.
NICE: The city picked a modern new ambulance service
NAUGHTY: Unfortunately, you can get a pizza delivered from Boss’s faster than they can respond to a skinned knee. But at least the delivery driver won’t pick your pockets if they find you dead
NAUGHTY: The Hartford, SD city government was in a state of collapse
NICE: Who goes to f**king Hartford anyway?
NICE: Sioux Falls has jobs
NAUGHTY: Do you want to be on front window, fryers or dishes tonight?
NICE: South Dakota has plenty of public restrooms
NAUGHTY: Better pick the right one, or you may be charged with a sex crime
NICE: Downtown Sioux Falls is set to get a Goliath, phallic like sculpture over the Big Poo
NAUGHTY: The Statue of David says, It will be the biggest cock fight you have ever seen in public art
NICE: Sioux Falls has introduced a FREE condom distribution program
Some have been upset with Sneve in the last few weeks, because some readers chose to believe one side that he presented, while totally ignoring the other side he also presented. That is the choice of the reader and a reporter cannot control what each reader will decide or read into a story.
Just another casualty of the EC entertainment district
All of Chucky Doll’s crying aside, doesn’t anyone else find it ironic that if he ultimately decides to close his buttrocker palace, that once again, we have proved nothing can survive at this area of town?
Sure the city is subsidizing a hotel and pub at a public golf course, but other then that, what is happening at this site? NOTHING!
Downtown was always the best place for an Events Center. Isn’t it ironic that the gentleman that pushed for a DT Events Center may behind the closure of an Arena area entertainment venue.
Funny how these things work.
I heard Hildebrand will be reading palms next week at Josiah’s coffee.