
One of my friends sent me this photo, it is her neighbor’s yard today. She said they told her last night they were having a party, she didn’t realize it was the snowmen that were partying.

By l3wis

14 thoughts on “Seems appropriate”
  1. Drive by 24th and Van Eps ave…they are adorable!!!! Merry Christmas Sioux Falls and God bless you all.

  2. Multiple snowmen……fun!

    Snowmen shown with empty liquor bottles…..another story.

    There are many of us who live in the Bel Aire/Riverdale area with and without young children who do not see the humor in the drunken parties that go on at this location year round!

    SFPD could set up a sting operation at the corner of 24th and Van Eps and probably get their DWI quota for the week!

    I see nothing adorable OR funny about that!

  3. But if they put up a big sign of Santa pointing out the hypocrisy of global warming you’d have a cow wouldn’t you Detroit. What is public decency these days?

    Your moral compass just keeps spinning and nothing is sacred when you believe in nothing.

  4. What’s Santa and global warming got to do with it? Xmas is over. Party into the new year then confessions to start 2017. So serious. Probably teen humor parents haven’t caught yet.

  5. If you can’t give police a 3% raise, you can’t afford to build an Arc sculpture tribute to Sadam Hussein.

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