UPDATE: After the building collapse and the press conference today discussing the response and what is next, there seemed some strange statements being made. For instance, while OSHA and the insurance companies would be investigating the incident, NO one from the city would be. Even when asked if Building Services could come to a press conference to answer questions, the media was told ‘they are busy’. HUH? When a fire occurs, doesn’t the fire department do an inspection to determine how the fire got started? How is this any different?

Also, who is paying for all this police protection and stabilizing the site? Should taxpayers be on the hook for the entire rescue when their may be negligence? Shouldn’t the city be looking into that?

There is also the question of who won the RFP to build the parking ramp? Was it Legacy Development? The ones involved in the Lewis project?

Good question. There seems to be a lot of tight lips at city hall, and not a lot of answers here.

It seems the City Council’s consent agenda has a couple of interesting items;


I find it interesting, because the council pulled the DT parking ramp from the budget for 2017, but it seems the planning is still in process.

And while the city has always gave money towards Sculpture Walk, I think with budgetary cut backs towards public art, maybe it is time SW took on these expenditures themselves. If they can raise $1 million for Arc of Dreams, they can cover the cost of installation of SW.

7 Thoughts on “UPDATE: Sioux Falls Council Agenda

  1. The Ordinance passed in April 2016 was to STOP the FUNDING and planning on the Huether Romantix Annex City of Sioux Falls Office building but the Mayor and Turdbak continued the illegal activity of planning for it.

  2. The D@ily Spin on December 4, 2016 at 1:09 pm said:

    The Arc of Dreams will get embarrassing national attention. It’s an obvious Saddam Hussein symbol. It’s not such a bad idea because it happened on Huether’s watch. This monumental waste will keep him from getting elected into another office. After Middle East veterans destroy it, it’s time for a 50′ statue of Huether we can push over with a Jesus plow and drag down Phillips Avenue.

  3. The D@ily Spin on December 5, 2016 at 4:03 pm said:

    The usual, lots of sneaking around at city hall. We might be buying a Lear Jet. Who knows? There seems no way to stop the foolishness. Caviar & Champagne now but Beans and Sioux River Water after Huether.

  4. The States’ Attorney office should be involved in this investigation, too.

    Given the October video, which KELO just discovered, we are no longer talking about just negligence, in my opinion, we are now potentially talking about criminal negligence given that a life was lost and another was placed in serious harm due to the known indifference of the contractor and or developers when working on the Lewis Drug project…

  5. Have commander and Bruce lead the charge.I also noticed commander at the school board meeting.

  6. CommonSenseSD on December 6, 2016 at 8:43 am said:

    This is the best thing I’ve ever read on this website “it’s time for a 50′ statue of Huether we can push over with a Jesus plow and drag down Phillips Avenue.”

  7. The D@ily Spin on December 6, 2016 at 10:15 am said:

    Thanks CommonSenseSD. That free chewing gum at Monks tastes like rubber.

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