DaCola has been arguing for this move for several years now, to my surprise, it seems councilors are finally moving forward on a measure to require the meetings be recorded (Item #36);


This is important, because the board decides on millions of tax dollars being spent, including things like the Midco Aquatic Center. These meetings should be recorded.

I know there has been several arguments against this because the meetings rotate locations and it would cost extra money to record them at the locations.


First off, it would cost virtually NOTHING if they recorded the meetings at Carnegie, and do them right before council meetings at like 2 or 3 PM.

But even if they had to record the meetings at other locations, this isn’t some crazy expenditure. The mayor holds press conferences all over town several times a week, and a camera crew is always in tow.

If the city’s central services thinks this is too much of an expenditure, they are talking out of their asses. Especially if they have time to record a video like this;

20 Thoughts on “Will the Parks Board meetings finally be recorded?

  1. Good Job, Good Job, Wonderful, Stupendous what a wonderful use of $60,000 camera equipment and 43 mannequins who should have been on the street catching the real bad guys?

    We as a town invest in fancy steady cam equipment so the mayor can do more marketing.

    What a tone deaf loser. He is really Junior Trump. Just as out of touch with the real needs and ready to spend other people’s money.

    42 people and a dog, does anyone know how many thousands of dollars just got wasted on this video? We can’t record committee meetings but we can waste untold dollars on this garbage.

  2. The SFPD mannequin challenge has been a big hit on social media. Don’t be a hater..

  3. Bruno, oh, well, I apologize for being such an ass. I should know that anything that is popular on social media should be an acceptable waste of taxpayer money.

  4. Looks like 2016 marketing to me. Your anti-SFPD bias is thinly veiled. Please don’t take yourself so seriously. Geesh..

  5. Apparently as long as da mayor entertains da peeps is doesn’t matter how much money they waste? Fancy camera equipment ranks right in there with an events center and indoor cement pond with colossal disastrous spending.

  6. Good grief… Our 70 year old president tweets like he’s 13 and our officers make a video about standing still.

    Bring on the giant meteor please.

  7. anominous on December 4, 2016 at 10:24 am said:

    Looks like Paramedics Plus at their actual speed.

  8. The D@ily Spin on December 4, 2016 at 12:33 pm said:

    With a half billion dollar city debt, why? What a waste. This expense could have paid one months interest on bonds or hire another officer who isn’t a mannequin. They profile us. We profile them as lazy. Like mannequins. Where’s the McDonalds scene?

  9. Warren Phear on December 4, 2016 at 4:51 pm said:

    LJL…one of my new favorite places to go each morning? That would be trumps twitter feed. We now have a prez elect with the maturity of a 13 year old.


  10. Why does everyone think that they need to entertain everyone else now days? Why does everyone need to be a part of the hype? Isn’t anything sacred anymore? Or am I just a fuddy-duddy about this?

    Have we really become a society where one’s credibility is partially determined by their comedic capabilities? We see this wasted time at all levels of government, whether it be in a video with then President Clinton smoking a cigar while he washes the Presidential limo, “Dubya” releasing a video about Barney the dog at Christmas time, even President Obama on “Comedians in Cars getting Coffee,” or this video with the SFPD, so you just have to wonder what our governmental entities are becoming?

    Is their legitimacy, governmental entities that as, in growing question so that they have to entertain in order to corral the masses and maintain their relevance?

    Does it speak to how they are increasingly not answering the problems of our society so they try humor to disarm the discontent of the masses?

    Perhaps, I am reading too much into this, but it is one thing for a former vice-President to appear on “Laugh-In” and say “Sock it to Me?”….. but it is an entirely different thing when contemporaneous political leaders and their lieutenants find time for foolery when there are so many challenges before us these days internationally, domestically, and even local….

    And after having watched this, I can only hope that the criminals in a town with a growing crime rate also become mannequins soon, too, in their own world that is, so that it will be easier to stop and/or catch them….

  11. Winston, you make some great points, but I make a simpler observation. This was a complete waste of taxpayer money.

  12. I hear you l3wis, you are exactly right, but whoever said I was one known for word economy and succinct thought?…. 😉

  13. I think these videos are stupid.
    Did the cops do this on the “clock” or after their shift?
    I’m sure the camera person was working on the clock.
    There is something to be said for “marketing” and making the police seem like real people. Nothing wrong with PR.

    AND, when did it become that because they are public servants, they can’t have fun from time to time?

  14. James, the point we are trying to make is that if the city’s media services have time and money to record something like this, they certainly can setup a stationary camera to record a parks board meeting.

  15. The D@ily Spin on December 5, 2016 at 9:11 pm said:

    This video is so absurd. I’m hoping they didn’t hire a director for a cast standing still.

  16. The D@ily Spin on December 5, 2016 at 9:30 pm said:

    Trump is an unpredictable hawk. He’s lined up a generals cabinet. He’ll pull the trigger with little or no provocation. ‘You’re Fired’.

  17. The D@ily Spin on December 6, 2016 at 4:07 am said:

    Darn robots, always need batteries.

  18. l3wis, I understand both.

    I agree all meetings should be recorded and posted. The infrastructure is there and the personnel/budget is there.

    I also think it’s ok for government workers to have a little fun at their jobs. I also think it does help with PR/marketing.

  19. I think it helps with PR, too, as long as you can forget about the rise of crime in this town.

    We have all had fun at work and maybe too much fun at times, but we never bothered to document it or had the gall to even think of doing that, did we?

    Are public servants being denied the chance to have some fun at work or is this image (PR) obsession becoming the new substance? I am afraid it might be…

    They say life is just an extension of high school. Well, if that is the case, then the popular kids are doing too many variety shows for us and it is time we all got back to the books and the classrooms.

  20. Scruffy Hamburger on December 6, 2016 at 2:27 pm said:

    I saw to that they moved their free feeding trough over to Prince of Peace Avera retirement community.

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