South DaCola

Will the Parks Board meetings finally be recorded?

DaCola has been arguing for this move for several years now, to my surprise, it seems councilors are finally moving forward on a measure to require the meetings be recorded (Item #36);

This is important, because the board decides on millions of tax dollars being spent, including things like the Midco Aquatic Center. These meetings should be recorded.

I know there has been several arguments against this because the meetings rotate locations and it would cost extra money to record them at the locations.


First off, it would cost virtually NOTHING if they recorded the meetings at Carnegie, and do them right before council meetings at like 2 or 3 PM.

But even if they had to record the meetings at other locations, this isn’t some crazy expenditure. The mayor holds press conferences all over town several times a week, and a camera crew is always in tow.

If the city’s central services thinks this is too much of an expenditure, they are talking out of their asses. Especially if they have time to record a video like this;

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