Michael Moore offers advice

Morning After To-Do List:

1. Take over the Democratic Party and return it to the people. They have failed us miserably.
2. Fire all pundits, predictors, pollsters and anyone else in the media who had a narrative they wouldn’t let go of and refused to listen to or acknowledge what was really going on. Those same bloviators will now tell us we must “heal the divide” and “come together.” They will pull more hooey like that out of their ass in the days to come. Turn them off.
3. Any Democratic member of Congress who didn’t wake up this morning ready to fight, resist and obstruct in the way Republicans did against President Obama every day for eight full years must step out of the way and let those of us who know the score lead the way in stopping the meanness and the madness that’s about to begin.
4. Everyone must stop saying they are “stunned” and “shocked”. What you mean to say is that you were in a bubble and weren’t paying attention to your fellow Americans and their despair. YEARS of being neglected by both parties, the anger and the need for revenge against the system only grew. Along came a TV star they liked whose plan was to destroy both parties and tell them all “You’re fired!” Trump’s victory is no surprise. He was never a joke. Treating him as one only strengthened him. He is both a creature and a creation of the media and the media will never own that.
5. You must say this sentence to everyone you meet today: “HILLARY CLINTON WON THE POPULAR VOTE!” The MAJORITY of our fellow Americans preferred Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Period. Fact. If you woke up this morning thinking you live in an effed-up country, you don’t. The majority of your fellow Americans wanted Hillary, not Trump. The only reason he’s president is because of an arcane, insane 18th-century idea called the Electoral College. Until we change that, we’ll continue to have presidents we didn’t elect and didn’t want. You live in a country where a majority of its citizens have said they believe there’s climate change, they believe women should be paid the same as men, they want a debt-free college education, they don’t want us invading countries, they want a raise in the minimum wage and they want a single-payer true universal health care system. None of that has changed. We live in a country where the majority agree with the “liberal” position. We just lack the liberal leadership to make that happen (see: #1 above).

Let’s try to get this all done by noon today.
— Michael Moore

Does your vote for President count?

I have been contesting for a long time that it doesn’t and why I really don’t pay attention to the Washington silliness anymore;

Votes are still being counted across the country, but it appears Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton could win the popular vote, while President-elect Trump wins the electoral college and thus the White House.

At 5 a.m. on the West Coast, the Associated Press showed Clinton with 59.16 million votes nationally, compared to Trump’s 59 million votes.

So let’s talk local silliness. Some big disappointments for the night besides the talking Mango winning president, were Karsky getting elected to the county commission (as he has been telling people, he needed a seat to warm until he can run for mayor). It also looks like ‘V’ failed, but there were some big and surprising wins of the night;

Marsy’s Law wins by a large margin (I voted against this, but I still would be curious how it works).

The biggest victory of the night was the passage of 21 and the 36% rate cap, and the failure of U.

Pam Nelson will remain our Minnehaha county treasurer, Woot! Woot!

IM 22 also passed. A measure I supported but felt it would fail due to the public funding of campaigns. Apparently voters are ready for an ethics commission.

Ref 19 also failed, which is fantastic. It would have only hamstrung Indy’s more when trying to seek office.

And it also looks like teenagers will be making the same in minimum wage.

So last night wasn’t all so bad. As I said above, I really don’t have time to fiddle with the lies and silliness of DC when there is a lot of that going on right here in our little village. Heck, last night I had to show up again to slap down the lies of our chief liar of Sioux Falls, the mayor, during public input. He really has a problem with facts and history.

Mayor Huether Lies about voter turnout to encourage people to vote



Then Mike ponders why these people have not shown up since?

Mayor Mike Huether says that one major facility in Sioux Falls is a perfect example of what voting can accomplish.

“We had over forty thousand people vote on the event center,” Mayor Huether said, “Over 40% voter turnout… and it ended up being the largest voter turn out in city of Sioux Fall’s history.”

It was part of a special election held in November of 2011 and, while there isn’t a special election being held this year, he’s hoping for a record turnout this time as well with the 45th President of the United States being determined.

“When you voted, whether you voted yes or whether you voted no, you’re vote had an impact on your city in such a dramatic way.”

Whether it’s a Presidential Election or a special election to determine the fate of the Premier Center, officials say it’s important to make your voice heard and exercise your right to vote.

Yes, only in Mike’s twisted logic, he would try to get people to vote by lying about election results. Oh Brother. Even after we pointed out this lie months ago. Typical salesman, who cares about the past when we can re-write it?

Ironically, he is not only lying about voter turnout, he fails to mention that over 11,000 of them never showed up to vote again AND it was only an advisory vote. The city council is the one that authorized the sale of the bonds, not the citizenry. In fact, the council could have voted against the EC bonds and the citizens would have had NO legal recourse. They would have had to have a petition drive and an actual LEGAL election to authorize the sale of the bonds to override the council’s decision, similar to the city admin petition drive. Then the voters would have truly had a say in the EC bond sale.

What amazes me even more is that the state’s highest ranking Democrat would hold a press conference about voting, and lie to the public. Makes you wonder what other things he has been lying about. Scary, I know. Spring of 2018 cannot come soon enough.

2016 Election Predictions • VOTE, Tuesday November 8


Instead of wrapping my head around all the races and amendments I decided to only predict the races I have watched closely. Some of the races I did not cover are ones that I think will either be total blowouts or too close to call. Yes, I am getting lazy. Oh well. Here is a light hearted review of the ballot measures by the SE Podcast.


Hillary will win nationally. I predicted her win two years ago and I am sticking by it. I think Clinton has silent support. In other words, I think many people are frustrated with their choices, so they are picking the lesser of the two evils. While they are not happy with Clinton as a candidate, they know the alternative is not an option. If I am completely wrong on that prediction, and Trump wins, I think it will be by a large margin. I think Trump will win the state but Clinton will win Minnehaha County with most of those votes coming from Sioux Falls.

Minnehaha County Treasurer

Pam Nelson will win by at least 5 points. Pam’s incumbency and popularity will carry her through the night.

District 25 State Senate

Jeff Barth will win the Senate Race in District 25. Jeff has been a very popular county commissioner (serving 10 years) and though he is running against an incumbent (not technically, she was appointed by the governor). I think Jeff’s name recognition and support across party lines carries him through.

District 9 State House

Michael Saba will win this easily. Not only is he a strong candidate, his life’s experience have given Saba a wealth of knowledge that NO legislator current or soon to be elected has.

District 10 State Senate

Jim Powers will win this seat, but I think it will be close. Jim has been door knocking and campaigning like a maniac. His competitor is an unemployed closet Neo-Con Republican that moves more then a grazing buffalo, nobody really knows where she lives, and her recent marriage to an out-of-state resident has people questioning if she will resign after the 2017 session so the governor can appoint a replacement.

District 6 State House

Clara Hart has this one. Her competitor also has a residency problem and has been lying to voters about his support of education funding and his votes in last year’s session. He’s toast. Which will be good, he can concentrate more on his Bible studies.

Minnehaha County Commission (2 Seats)

Jean Bender & Marc Feinstein will win the day. I think voters will be looking for a balance on the commission, and I believe these are the two leading candidates in their parties. As I tell everybody, anybody but Karsky (Democrat Juan Bonilla is also running).

Amendment T – Pass

People are frustrated with gerrymandering by the leading party.

Amendment V – Pass

While I think this one will be close, I think people are frustrated with the two major parties and their limited choices on the ballot after the primaries.

21 – Pass, U – Fail (payday lending rates)

I think the church influence on this issue will turn the tables.

R – Pass

The widespread support for this measure will be a for sure pass. Though I do think people opposed to the measure are upset with the growth of government. Instead of creating a whole new body to govern technical schools they would have preferred that they just put the tech schools under the umbrella of the Board of Regents with colleges.

20, Youth Minimum Wage – Fail

I think people are upset with the legislature messing with the will of the people. A standard minimum wage was passed for ALL not just those over 18.

We will see where the cards fall.