Is the Washington Pavilion Planning Cuts?

Well certainly not on carpeting;


In their defense though, the place has had the same carpeting for almost 17 years, so it is probably due for an update.

But what about staff? It certainly is a building that has seen many staff and management changes throughout the years. They are on their 5th CEO, they have had I think four VAC directors. The Science Center, the Performing Arts Center, Box Office, Education/Learning center and the Marketing departments have seen many changes over the years. Their have been two constants though over the years, the CFO and the Operations Manager have been there since day one.

Darrin has been in charge several months now, so I’m sure mixing up management has been in his craw for quite awhile, but not sure what he will do?

I will say this about Darrin though, he is NO pushover. Unlike past CEOs I think Darrin won’t be afraid to make changes on his terms.

Time will tell I guess.

CityLink Propaganda Video a Waste of time and taxdollars, just like the ambulance service


The video still doesn’t touch on the super secret pilot program. Jill Franken, REMSA, and PP act like they are going to secure Mosul;

In an effort to make a good system even better, the Sioux Falls EMS system is conducting a two-month pilot project with a goal of optimizing the use of EMS resources in the community. During this time, the EMS system will enhance the use of technology and test and increase its focus on call and scene reprioritizations as appropriate. The pilot project will end by November 30, and preliminary results will be available by the end of 2016. Goals include using mutual aid resources only when necessary and keeping fire department resources available to respond to emergency calls in their own response areas.

In other words cutting back services, but charging the same rates and taxes for ambulance and fire service.